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Topics and questions for written part of the exam

The topics will be the union of the topics of the lectures and the topics of the labs.

The questions will tend to test your practical knowledge and understanding of principles, rather than testing your encyclopedic knowledge.

Below are examples of questions which may occur at the exam (please not that this list is not exahustive).

Whenever you will be asked to “compute” something, it means you can use your head, pen and paper. You cannot use e.g. a computer with matlab.

  • Histogram, entropy: given a set of observations (real numbers), compute the histogram. Compute entropy.
  • Sampling, quantization: describe what it is. Describe the idea behind dithering.
  • Filtering: Given a small image and a filter, compute the result of filtering an image by a filter.
  • Separable filtering: given a 2D filter, check whether it is separable to two 1D filters.
  • Intensity transformations: Describe homomorphic filtering.
  • Image formation, example question: “Given an object with radiance L, is the irradiance at a pixel dependent on the distance of this object to the camera?”
  • Segmentation by thresholding: given an image and a threshold value, compute the segmentation.
  • Binary morphology: given an image and a structure element, compute erosion.
  • Dynamic programming: given a small dynamic programming problem, compute the minimizing path.
  • K-means: you are given a set of points (in e.g. 2D), and intial cluster centers. Compute the assignments of points to these centers.
  • Segmentation by graph cut: given a small graph, compute the minimum cut and the segmentation.
  • Gaussian mixtures: write down the formula for multivariate Gaussian. Describe the parameters of the multivariate Gaussian (this is related to task 5).
courses/b4m33dzo/exam.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/14 08:06 (external edit)