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ae4b33oss — Operating systems and networks


Contact: Petr Stepan, stepan@fel.cvut.cz , room no. KN:E-129

week date topic material
1 4.10. Introduction lecture1.pdf
2 11.10. System calls lecture2.pdf lecture2.tgz
3 18.10. CPU scheduling lecture3.pdf lecture3.tgz
4 25.10. Process synchronization lecture4.pdf lecture4.tgz
5 1.11. Deadlock detection lecture5.pdf lecture5.tgz
6 8.11. Memory management lecture6.pdf
7 15.11. Virtual Memory lecture7.pdf
8 22.11. Virtual Memory nova-oss.tgz
9 29.11. File system lecture8.pdf
10 6.12. Linking and Loading lecture9.pdf
11 13.12. Networking lecture10.pdf
12 20.12. IP routing lecture11.pdf
13 27.12. Winter holiday
14 3.1. Transportation layer, Network application lecture12.pdf
15 10.1. New trends in OS


The examination has two parts: Quiz and 2 Exercises.

For quiz you cannot use any material, you select correct answer from suggested answers (a,b,c,d).

For exercise you can use any printed or elctronic materials, you can use laptops, tablets, mobile phones. You cannot consult the exercise with other students, no chat, skype etc.

Topic for the exercise:

Scheduling scheduling.pdf

Deadlock deadlock.pdf

Memory memory.pdf

File Systems files.pdf

TCP/IP ip.pdf

Practical course information

Contact: Miroslav Bursa, miroslav.bursa@cvut.cz 1), room no. KN:E-224,BEAT Research Group

Note: The following schedule is informational and will be updated when needed.

week# date (2016/17) Theme After the course you're expected to know2)
1 4. 10. General introduction, OS introduction edit a file using vi, remote access (ssh, scp)
2 11. 10. Basic GNU/Linux commands create and run a BASH script
3 18. 10. BASH introduction use conditions and loops in BASH
4 25. 10. System information
5 1. 11. BASH
6 8. 11. BASH, Regular expressions (grep, awk, sed, …) use grep and awk with RegExp ; solve B task
7 15. 11. Compilation in Unix environment, libraries (gcc, make) write a Makefile, compile a C program; solve C task
8 22. 11. POSIX network communication (implementation)
9 29. 11. Network protocols B TASK deadline
10 6. 12. Individual work, consultation, C1 TASK deadline
11 13. 12. Individual work, consultation
12 20. 12. Individual work, consultation, C2 TASK deadline
27. 12. ☆☆☆ Christmas holidays ☆☆☆
13 3. 01. D task evaluation, D task deadline
14 10. 01. Presentations, Assessment


In order to obtain (practical) course credit (assessment, zapocet[CZ]) you have to fulfill all the following points:

  1. Implement the B task (BASH) Specification (Task reservation obligatory) [3 pts]
  2. Implement both the C(1,2) tasks Specification (C, Makefile) [2+2 pts]
  3. Implement and personally present (show) the D task Specification (Network communication) (Task reservation obligatory) [3 pts]

All the tasks (B, C(1,2) and D) must be uploaded via the Upload system.

You have to present working (error-free) solution even in case the project is worth 0 (or less) pts (usually in case of late upload). The points go with you to the exam.

In case of any doubts you might be asked to explain/demonstrate the knowledge you should have gained from the practical course3).

Remote access

You can access the home directories via the k333stu1 server (IP:

In order to remotely debug your programs you can connect to the computers in the lab: these do not have public IP. You can connect to them via the k333stu1 server – use a name in the form e132-xx (xx is the PC number, 01–21), ev. e220-01e220-09, i.e.:

ssh e132-01

Please do not execute anything on the k333stu1 server. It's higher load would have a negative impact on the function of the whole lab.


Get certified!

If you are serious about learning Linux, you should get trained by some acknowledged authority. Linux Foundation has published an online course for free (via edX.org):


The course is self-paced and ends with a free certificate (a verified version is available for a fee).

Or, check out the Top 3 Online Resources for Learning the Command Line (For Linux and OS X).

You should give it a try at least!

Shell checker

There is a script (BASH) checker available shellcheck.net online. You might try to use it to improve your scripting skills.

Sample projects

An interesting game implemented in BASH: Housenka BASH game

Another interesting game implemented in BASH: ShellShock (not related to the recently disclosed Shellshock vulnerability), Announcement


The Upload system is equipped with automated advanced plagiarism detection feature. The plagiarism is reported automatically and can be a reason for ending your study. Make sure your work is original.

You can take a look in general rules. However, my rule is to negate (change a sign) the maximum points for the assignment.

Please use the string 33OSS in the e-mail subject
if not, practice at home
i.e. if I find out that you do not know the basic commands and/or the commands you have used in your tasks, you can be deducted points achieved. In severe cases this might lead to the denial of the assessment.
courses/ae4b33oss/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/29 12:54 by bursam