Pasebin code with latest changes
connected(bond_street, oxford_circus, central). connected(oxford_circus, tottenham_court_road, central). connected(bond_street, green_park, jubilee). % Isn't there a missing connection? % Yes, indeed! From 'green_park' to 'charing_cross'... connected(green_park, piccadilly_circus, piccadilly). connected(piccadilly_circus, leicester_square, piccadilly). connected(green_park, oxford_circus, victoria). connected(oxford_circus, piccadilly_circus, bakerloo). connected(piccadilly_circus, charing_cross, bakerloo). connected(tottenham_court_road, leicester_square, northern). connected(leicester_square, charing_cross, northern).
connected('Mustek', 'Muzeum', 'A').
Tutorial slides 4)
connected(bond_street, oxford_circus, central). connected(oxford_circus, tottenham_court_road, central). connected(bond_street, green_park, jubilee). connected(green_park, charing_cross, jubilee). connected(green_park, piccadilly_circus, piccadilly). connected(piccadilly_circus, leicester_square, piccadilly). connected(green_park, oxford_circus, victoria). connected(oxford_circus, piccadilly_circus, bakerloo). connected(piccadilly_circus, charing_cross, bakerloo). connected(tottenham_court_road, leicester_square, northern). connected(leicester_square, charing_cross, northern). reachable(X,Y) :- connected(X,Y,_). reachable(X,Y) :- connected(X,Z,_), reachable(Z,Y).
Tutorial slides7)
X = 1 + 1
X is 1 + 1
Tutorial slides11)
Check you understand: Compare the factorial_1 predicate with factorial_3 that uses the cut. What difference in behaviour can you spot?
factorial_3(1,1):- !. factorial_3(N,F):- NN is N - 1, factorial_3(NN,FF), F is N * FF.
h(a,b). h(a,c). h(a,d). h(b,e). h(b,f). h(b,g). h(c,h). h(c,i). h(d,j). h(d,k). h(d,l). h(e,m). h(e,n). h(f,n). h(g,p). h(g,q). h(g,r). h(i,i). h(i,s). h(i,t). h(j,t). h(k,u). h(k,v). h(l,w). h(l,x). h(n,y). h(t,z). h(t,z). h(p,a). goal(f). goal(r). goal(u).
Pastebin code with solutions
% Obstacles - find path from initial to goal position on 8x8 board % Possible moves: up, down, left, right % Position of obstacles defined by obstacle/1 step(1, 0, r). step(0, 1, u). step(-1, 0, l). step(0, -1, d). obstacle(pos(2,1)). obstacle(pos(2,2)). obstacle(pos(3,3)). obstacle(pos(4,3)). obstacle(pos(3,4)). correct(pos(X,Y)) :- X > 0, Y > 0, X =< 8, Y =< 8, not(obstacle(pos(X,Y))).
% Using compound term state: state(pos(X,Y),D,F,Moves) % search(InitState, GoalPosition, Solution) ?- search([state(pos(1,1),0,0,[])], pos(4,1), S).
Pastebin code with latest changes
% alldiff([A,B,C,D,...]): All A,B,C,D,... are mutually different. alldiff([X|Tail]) :- ... % Plots the given matrix. plot([]). plot([[]|T]) :- nl, plot(T). plot([[X|T1]|T2]) :- write(X), plot([T1|T2]). % Numbers 1..4 are assigned to all variables in the given list. numbers([]). numbers([X|Tail]) :- member(X,[1,2,3,4]), numbers(Tail). % Solves the SUDOKU and gives the answer. sudoku([[A1,B1,C1,D1],[A2,B2,C2,D2],[A3,B3,C3,D3],[A4,B4,C4,D4]]) :- % Phase 1: Assign 1..4 to variables A1..D4 randomly. % predicate numbers(...) may help! % Phase 2: Check, whether the solution is a valid SUDOKU. % predicate alldiff(...) may help!
connected(green_park, charing_cross, jubilee).
nearby(X,Y) :- connected(X,Y,_). nearby(X,Z) :- connected(X,Y,L), connected(Y,Z,L).
reachable(X,Y) :- connected(X,Y,_). reachable(X,Y) :- connected(X,Z,_), reachable(Z,Y).
reachable(X,Y) :- connected(X,Y,_). reachable(X,Y) :- connected(X,Z,_), write(X), nl, reachable(Z,Y).
reachable(X,Y, [Y]) :- connected(X,Y,_). reachable(X,Y, [Z|List]) :- connected(X,Z,_), reachable(Z,Y, List).
reachable(X,Y, [X,Y]) :- connected(X,Y,_). reachable(X,Y, [X|List]) :- connected(X,Z,_), reachable(Z,Y, List).
my_member(X, [X|_]). my_member(X, [_|T]) :- my_member(X, T).
factorial_1(1,1). factorial_1(N,F):- N > 1, NN is N - 1, factorial_1(NN,FF), F is N * FF. factorial_2(1,F,F). factorial_2(N,T,F):- N > 1, TT is N * T, NN is N - 1, factorial_2(NN,TT,F).
q(b). q(c). p(a). p(X) :- q(X), !. p(d).
max1(A,B,A) :- A >= B. max1(A,B,B) :- A < B. max2(A,B,A) :- A >= B, !. max2(A,B,B).
dfs1(X,X,[]) :- goal(X). dfs1(X,G,[X|P]) :- h(X,Y), X\=Y, dfs1(Y,G, P).
dfs2(X,X,Path,Path) :- goal(X). dfs2(X,G,Closed,Path) :- h(X,Y), \+ member(Y,Closed), dfs2(Y,G, [Y|Closed], Path).
dfs3(X,[X|_],Path,Path) :- goal(X). dfs3(G,[X|Open],Closed,Path) :- findall(Y, h(X,Y), Successors), append(Successors, Open, NewOpen), dfs3(G, NewOpen, [X|Closed], Path).
search([state(pos(X,Y),D,F,Moves)|_], pos(X,Y), solution(MovesRev,F)) :- reverse(Moves, MovesRev). search([State|Open], Goal, Solution) :- expandstate(State, Goal, Successors), insertstates(Successors, Open, NewOpen), search(NewOpen, Goal, Solution). expandstate(State, Goal, Successors) :- findall(Successor, move(State, Goal, Successor), Successors). move(state(pos(X,Y),D,_,Moves), pos(XGoal,YGoal), state(pos(X2,Y2),D2,F2,[Dir|Moves])) :- step(DX, DY, Dir), X2 is X + DX, Y2 is Y + DY, correct(pos(X2,Y2)), D2 is D + 1, F2 is D2 + abs(X2-XGoal) + abs(Y2-YGoal). step(1, 0, r). step(0, 1, u). step(-1, 0, l). step(0, -1, d). obstacle(pos(2,1)). obstacle(pos(2,2)). obstacle(pos(3,3)). obstacle(pos(4,3)). obstacle(pos(3,4)). correct(pos(X,Y)) :- X > 0, Y > 0, X =< 8, Y =< 8, not(obstacle(pos(X,Y))). insertstates([], L, L). insertstates([H|T], L, L2) :- insertstate(H, L, L1), insertstates(T, L1, L2). insertstate(X, [], [X]). insertstate(X, [H|T], [X,H|T]) :- gef(H, X), !. insertstate(X, [H|T], [H|T2]) :- insertstate(X, T, T2). gef(state(_,_,F1,_), state(_,_,F2,_)) :- F1 >= F2. %------------------------------------------------ insertsorted(X, [], [X]). insertsorted(X, [H|T], [X,H|T]) :- H >= X, !. insertsorted(X, [H|T], [H|T2]) :- insertsorted(X, T, T2).