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Functional and Logic Programming — ae4b33flp

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This course introduces students into the techniques of functional programming in the LISP (or more precisely SCHEME) and HASKELL language and logic programming in the PROLOG language. Both languages are declarative in that the programmer symbolically describes the problem to be solved, rather than enumerating the exact sequence of actions to be taken. In PROLOG, one describes the problem by specifying properties of objects and relations thereamong through logic formulas. In LISP, the problem description takes the form of function definitions. Both languages have found significant applications in artificial intelligence fields, such as agent systems or symbolic machine learning. Motivating tasks from these domains will be used throughout the course.

Credit requirements

The tutorials consist of two halves (Scheme + Prolog). Each is evaluated separately according to following rules:

  • Out of the total of 25 points, students must achieve at least 13 to be allowed to take the exam.
  • During the term, there will be a test (7 points) and 3 compulsory assignments (6 points each).





Students who receive the credit (based on points from the tutorials) are allowed to take the exam. The written exam has a theoretical part and a practical part (programming). Additional points can be obtained during the oral exam.

For the exam a maximum of 50 points can be awarded. A minimum of 25 points must be achieved for a passing grade:

Total points Minimum for passing
Tutorials (assignments + tests) 50 26
Exam 50 25

The final grade is assigned according to the sum of tutorials and exam points.

ECTS grade Pass Fail
Points 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 50-0


  • Brian Harvey and Matthew Wright: Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science, MIT Press, 1999, now available online
  • Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen: Real World Haskell, Paperback: 700 pages, O'Reilly, November 2008, English, ISBN-10: 0596514980, ISBN-13: 978-0596514983 now available online
  • Peter Flach: Simply logical, John Wiley 1994, xvi + 240 pages, now available online


courses/ae4b33flp/2011/start.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/04 13:02 (external edit)