Table of Contents

Lab 06

During this lab, you should learn how to work with factorgraph-based SLAM and how to run it in the simulator.

Lecturer: Martin Pecka (

Relevant lectures: 00_localization_mle.pdf, 00_localization_se2.pdf, 00_kf.pdf, 01_ekf.pdf.

Factorgraph SLAM in action

The whole Tartan SLAM Series is a great study material for those who want to dive deep into how SLAM in 3D is done in state-of-the-art robotics.

KF vs Factorgraph SLAM

What is the difference between (E)KF SLAM and Factorgraph SLAM?

(E)KF Factorgraph
State Latest robot position, relative marker positions All robot positions, relative marker positions
Memory Requirements Constant in trajectory length, linear in #markers Linear in trajectory length, linear in #markers
Loop Closures Only help current position estimate and markers Help with whole trajectory estimate and markers

Lab Task

Download and and examine the files. Find places commented with PLAY HERE and try to find a way to break the EKF optimization. You can also edit other parts of the code. By replacing opt = ekf with opt = fg, you'll instruct the script to do the estimation using Factorgraph instead. What are the differences? Can you break the Factorgraph?

Computing Jacobians for factorgraphs


RUR Challenge Worlds

What would the residuals and Jacobian entries look like?


Fig. 1: Example of Apriltags. Image courtesy of

Apriltags are visual markers designed specifically so that it is easy to estimate their pose in full 6 DOF (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw). Thus they are very comfortable for being used as absolute localization markers. Moreover, they are easily distinguishable from each other, so the detector can output not only the 6 DOFs of the marker, but also its unique ID.

Here is an example of a tag localized by the ROS node from package apriltag_ros:

Homework 4 assignment

Read and try to understand the assignment of the homework HW4.