Rozvrh na FEL Studenti A4M33DZO Odevzdávací systém Diskusní fórum
The subject introduces Ph.D. students to digital image processing and image analysis. The subject is aimed at novices in this domain. The lecture is shared with the master course subject B4M33DZO, BE4M33DZO Digital Image.
Students are invited to attend the standard lectures of the subject BE4M33DZO.
The compulsory part of the labs is in writing a (dummy or useful) scientific paper related to the subject. This part is taught by the lecturer Václav Hlaváč in most cases. The student usually finds a topic related to her/his own research, which has a link to the subject and uses its methods. The student consults the topic and writing of the paper with the teacher regularly. The credit is obtained when the paper reaches certain level of maturity to be, e.g., ready for a conference submission. Two aims are followed: (a) use methods of the subject in practice; (b) improve student's craft in paper writing.
The performance in labs is evaluated by maximally 30 points. This evaluation is contributes to the exam evaluation.
Internal space for teachers