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Requirements for an ungraded assessment

  1. Attendance and active involvement in tutorials. A maximum of two unexcused absences is allowed.
  2. For each tutorial assignment, you have to get at least 50% (without deadline penalties).

Course evaluation

  1. Students can get a maximum of 100 points.
  2. Up to 60 points can be obtained during the semester, another max. 40 points at the written exam.
  3. Tutorial consists of three distinct blocks on description logic, probabilistic graphical models and fuzzy logic.
    • Each block is finished with an assignment and a test.
    • Up to 15 points can be obtained per assignment, up to 5 points per test (up to 20 points per block).
    • There is a penalty for delayed assignment submissions (3 points for each commenced week of delay).
    • The tests can be both theoretical and computational, they will take about 30mins and will be written in the beginning of the last lab of each block.
    • The tests cannot be resit.
  4. The exam details:
    • A minimum of 20 points is required to pass the exam.
    • Otherwise, you will have to retake the exam.
    • The following standard cheat sheet is permitted for the exam.
    • A brief exam guide is available.
    • Bring calculators.
    • Sample exam questions:
  5. The final grade is determined according to the following table:
Points ECTS Grade
100 - 90 A excellent
89 - 80 B very good
79 - 70 C good
69 - 60 D satisfactory
59 - 50 E sufficient
49 and less F failed
courses/ae4m33rzn/evaluation.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/08 17:48 by klema