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Homeworks should be submitted into your personal git repository. There will be a new repository for each homework. Your repositories can be found at http://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz after logging in using your FELid. All your homework repositories are placed in B151_a{e}4m36tpj group. All your homeworks must be successfuly submitted (i.e. must pass all tests) till the end of the 13th week.

Accessing your repository

To download (clone) your repository from server to your local machine run:

git clone <repository_name>

When finished, commit all the changes you have made by git commit and push the repository to server by git push.

Automatic test runs every time you perform the push operation.

HW 1

HW 2

HW 3

courses/a4m36tpj/tutorials/homeworks.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/07 11:52 by bukz1