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Bonus Tasks for Simulator

The tasks are submitted through the personal GIT repositories. Code is committed into the appropriate directory and pushed to the APO course personal GitLab repository, see the how-to for the work with GIT. Code can be tested in a native or an online QtRvSim graphical version. Follow the course forum for information on when each of the following tasks are open and what the deadline is. You can ask for help on the forum as well.

Bubble-sort and Possibly Other Assembler Tasks Submissions

The automated evaluation is used to ensure timely feedback to students. The first task is designed to familiarize with the basic principles of processor instruction execution and practice its use (see Tutorial 3). The goal of the first task is to implement bubble-sort algorithm in base RISC-V 32-bit instruction set. A file at the location work/bubble-sort/bubble-sort.S in the personal repository is expected. Implementation must export the array_size and array_start symbols with the .globl directive, with no data or code behind the array_start symbol in the next 200 bytes. Overwriting this region should not adversely affect the running of the program. The test program loads the test data set into memory starting from the array_start address and fills the number of elements into the word at address array_size. The program is run then, and when it stops at the ebreak instruction, processed data are retrieved from the array_start address. The template for the project and its evaluation is provided in the repository stud-support. See bubble-sort project template in the directory (seminaries/qtrvsim/buble-sort). It holds even template source file work/bubble-sort/bubble-sort.S. The file should be renamed your implementation should be added into it. Copy the file and possibly other files under the correct name to the work/bubble-sort directory of your repository. All development can be done using the integrated assembler. If you want to perform testing as we do to automate testing, you need an external riscv32-unknown-elf compiler (by default, it is provided by riscv64-unknown-elf package when 32-bit ABI -mabi=ilp32 and ISA -march=rv32i are selected). With the integrated assembler in the command line mode, we are not yet able to refer to the correct addresses when uploading the data. If you specify addresses as absolute values, it is also possible to test with internal assembler

qtrvsim_cli --dump-cycles --asm bubble-sort.S --load-range 0x12340,array_size.in --load-range 0x12344,array_data.in --dump-range 0x12344,60,array_data.out
The evaluation automation checks every two minutes a list of received notifications delivered by hooks when individual personal course repository is updated. The code is fetched from each updated repository and evaluated in the same way as done by the provided Makefile but with different data. The result and possible error specification from each evaluation are then stored in a file derived from the personal repository login name and is published at next location http://pisa-virt.felk.cvut.cz/apo/bubble-sort-ci/. The summary rank file can be used to compare the mutual efficiency of submitted solutions.

Optimization of Code and Cache Organisation

The evaluation system expects the designed sorting algorithm to be implemented in a file work/apo-sort/apo-sort.S of your personal repository. The symbols array_size and array_start has to be exported by .globl directive and the space of at least 200 bytes after array_start symbol/address can/will be overwritten by the test data, so code or data which rewrite would lead to the algorithm failure must not be stored there. The evaluation system loads a set of 32-bit integer words starting at array_start, and the number of words is stored into a data word at the location defined by array_size symbol. Then the program is executed, and data starting at address array_start are retrieved and evaluated after reaching ebreak instruction. The template for the project is located in (seminaries/qtrvsim/apo-sort) directory of stud-support repository. There is a template work/apo-sort/apo-sort.S for actual code implementation. Copy the file and possibly the whole directory content into the correct submission directory work/apo-sort of your personal repository. The integrated assembler compiler allows complete development and manual testing and inspection. The processor can be set to mode No pipeline no cache for initial testing. Then enable cache and tune parameters and observe required time to solve the task.

The data cache parameters are set in the file work/apo-sort/d-cache-template.par. The file format follows

For example
The allowed maximal cache capacity is limited in the final evaluation by 16 32-bit words size. The length of the official evaluation dataset to sort is in the range of 24 to 32 words. The initial main memory memory access latency is set to 10 cycles. The burst latency 2 is configured for the following consecutive accesses.

If you want to test the project in the same environment as we use for evaluation, you need riscv32-unknown-elf or riscv64-unknown-elf compiler toolchain. It is not possible to reference symbols for data injection and retrieval with the integrated assembler yet. If the locations for the word count and the start of the actual sorted array are taken from GUI version, then the CLI version can be invoked even with the integrated assembler

qtrvsim_cli --dump-cycles --dump-cache-stats --d-cache lru,1,2,2,wb --read-time 10 --write-time 10 --burst-time 2 --asm apo-sort.S --load-range array_size,array_size.in --load-range array_start,array_data.in --dump-range array_start,60,array_data.out
The automatic evaluation system processes a list of the received update notifications and stores evaluation results into a log (build+execution success or errors) and the rank files starting by matching the login name. The results even with overall ranking are published at http://pisa-virt.felk.cvut.cz/apo/apo-sort-ci/.

Data Hazards Prevention in Software by Code Adaptation/Optimization for Non-regular RISC-V CPU

The goal is to implement Fibonacci's series computation algorithm for pipelined processors without a hazard unit. The code template is (fibo-hazards). The code is submitted to the personal GIT repository. The actual list with successful implementations and required cycles. The log files with individual implementations errors at location http://pisa-virt.felk.cvut.cz/apo/fibo-hazards-ci/.

Value Output Sent Hexadecimal to Serial Port

The template with instructions print-hex-to-uart. The evaluation results at http://pisa-virt.felk.cvut.cz/apo/print-hex-to-uart-ci/. The input is a randomly generated number at input_val location, and the task is to convert it into series of ASCII characters sent to the serial port. The task solution can even be tuned to work in a constant time, independent of the randomly assigned value, but such optimization is not required.

Simple "Calculator" Implementation as C Language RISC-V Program

The goal is to implement a simple “calculator” as the C language program. The code template with instructions seminaries/qtrvsimuart-calc-add/uart-calc-add-template.c. The successful results with cycles spent are available in the file rank.txt at the location http://pisa-virt.felk.cvut.cz/apo/uart-calc-add-ci/. The switch to the higher level C language corresponds to the course approaching the similar work to control peripherals from the program running on MZ_APO Xylinx Zynq based educational kits (semestral work).

The C language program execution requires at least a minimal startup code sequence, even for the simplest bare-metal environment. The C code ABI for RISC-V requires at least to set global pointer (gp) register, see the provided file crt0local.S located in the template directory. The provided Makefile builds the program, invokes the command-line simulator version, and tests it. The C language compiler for bare-metal (without operating system) RISC-V environment/CPU is required. You can test your code in the lab or remotely on the Postel server. Installation of complete riscv64-unknown-elf GCC toolchain is easy on modern GNU/Linux distributions as well.

courses/b35apo/en/homeworks/bonus/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/21 16:27 by pisa