Lecturer: Dr. Jacco Bikker, Utrecht University / Breda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
The course takes students from ray tracing basics to game-oriented interactive CPU ray tracing. At the end of the course, students will have a good understanding of the ray tracing and path tracing algorithms, as well as high-level and low-level optimizations needed to make these run in real-time. The students will also have a basic understanding of game development using a ray tracing engine.
This course will be taught using C + +. Students are expected to be reasonably fluent in this language.
The course is organized in a two-week block of lectures and seminars (one lecture, one exercise per day)!
The course is awarded by 3 credits and is finished with assessment and exam.
Course dates: Monday 9.3. 2015 - Friday 20.3. 2015
Lectures – in 10 days block
Seminars in computer lab – in 10 days block
The grade for this course is determined based on three components, for a total of 100 points:
Classification is given by the Study Regulations of CTU in Prague .
The exam will take place on Friday March 20 at 09.15. The exam will be followed by presentations of the game projects, which will start at 10.30. Presentations and exam take place in the room assigned for the course according to the course schedule. Students can sign up for the oral exam at the end of this exam. The oral exam will take place on the same day, starting at 12.30, on the fourth floor, opposite to office E421.
For details on the minimum requirements for the practical assignment please refer to the slides of lecture 6.
[1] Watt A. 3D Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley , 1999.
[2] Jesse Schell. The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses. CRC Press, 2008.
[3] Žára a kol. Moderní počítačová grafika, Computer Press, 2005.
[4] Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys. Physically Based Rendering, From Theory To Implementation. Morgan Kaufmann; 2 edition (2010).
For this course, we will be using a quick-start C++ template, which you can obtain here:
The template comes with Visual Studio 2013 project files. Adapting it for older versions of Visual Studio is straightforward. The zip file includes brief documentation for the template and the included software rasterizer. The template (including rasterizer) is open source and can be used and distributed freely.
Remaining lectures (for CVUT students only) can be found on the lectures page.