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The lectures are given in English to all students.

L Date Lecturer Contents Material
1 3.10. JK Intro to unsupervised learning, cluster analysis - formalization sad_intro.pdf
2 10.10. JK K-means algorithm, EM GMM, hierarchical clustering clustering.pdf
3 17.10. JK Advanced clustering methods – spectral clustering clustering_pokr.pdf
4 24.10. JK Other clustering approaches – co-clustering, conceptual and semisupervised clustering see the previous lecture
5 31.10. JK Frequent itemsets, association rules, the Apriori algorithm apriori_eng.pdf
6 7.11. JK Frequent sequences and subgraphs seq_graphs.pdf
7 14.11. JK Dimensionality reduction dimreduction.pdf
8 21.11. Intro to supervised learning and computational learning theory colt.pdf
9 28.11. Continuing Lecture 1
10 5.12. Learning in propositional logic pac-logic.pdf
11 12.12. Continuing Lecture 3
12 19.12. Infinite Concept Spaces (only the 1st file required for exam) infspaces.pdf, infspaces2.pdf
13 2.1. Empirical testing of hypotheses empirical.pdf
14 9.1. Learning in predicate logic predicate.pdf

Additional reading: see http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~mona/MachineLearning_lecture_notes.html (especially lectures 4-8) for a detailed treatment of PAC learnability.


T Date Deadline Contents Materials
1 10.10. Introduction, program, requirements, SW; entrance test (prerequisite 33RPZ) PDF
2 17.10. Missing Values and Outliers; Removing Outliers using k-means Algorithm PDF ZIP
3 24.10. EM Algorithm and Semi-Supervised Learning PDF ZIP
4 31.10. Spectral Clustering PDF ZIP
5 7.11. Frequent Itemsets, Association Rules PDF ZIP
6 14.11. Dimensionality reduction PDF ZIP
7 21.11. Preparation for Test vzorovy_test.pdf
8 28.11. Test
9 5.12. 12.12. Underfitting and Overfitting, Learning Curves PDF ZIP
10 12.12. 19.12. Upper Bounds for Classification Errors PDF ZIP
11 19.12. 2.1. Learning k-term DNF using k-CNF PDF ZIP
12 2.1. 9.1. Parameter Selection using Cross-Validation PDF ZIP
13 9.1. Closing all submissions & Credit
courses/a4m33sad/program.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/05 14:41 by souregus