moodle link
You will work in a small team (4-6 people) on a real-world problem. You will need to plan your work, your milestones, analyze risks, have plan B for fixing the project if something goes wrong. You will need to divide work amongst the members of your team and communicate to be synchronized in your progress. Your work will solve the technical problem you will be assigned, and possibly even make an impact. You will be graded mainly by the technical quality of the result of your work (see below for details of grading).
You will obtain points (sum = 100)
You will also receive bonus points for attending the lectures, 1 point each (max 7 points). We want you to be coming to the lectures regularly because 1) it is what lectures are for, and 2) we have found experts who are from the industry and who kindly agreed to give their lecture/s at this course at their own expenses and in their own “spare” time. This is a great value, and we want you to take it.