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Evaluation scale 2021/22

Evaluation scale is according to Study and Examination Rules for Students at CTU

The following table applies only if the written exam was at 15 points or more.

Grade Points Evaluation in words
A 90 and more excellent
B 80 - 89 very good
C 70 - 79 good
D 60 - 69 satisfactory
E 50 - 59 sufficient
F less than 50 failed


  • It is necessary to gain 15 or more points from the written exam test, i.e. at least 1/2. Otherwise, the test must be repeated irrespective of the number of points in the exercise.

Evaluation of seminaries/labs and assessment

Students will be evaluated for theirs homework, activity and a team project. A gain of minimal number of points specified for each category is obligatory to award the assessment. Failure to comply with some part of the evaluation (i.e. not presenting a team project) would result in denial of the assessment.

Category Points Obligatory
4 home works 36 12 At lest 3 from 4
Activity 8 0
Team project 24 10
Total 60 (68) 30


  • The minimum means that the category is recognized if you have at least a minimum

There are planed four homeworks for 2019/2020 summer term

No. Description Maximum points Minimum for acceptance
1 Number representation 6 3
2 Cache - Image Sharpening 14 5
3 Pipeline 6 3
4 Code analysis 10 5

To fulfill mandatory homework category, it is necessary to gather minimal sum and solve at least 3 from 4 homeworks with point gain minima listed in the table above.


The test consists of two parts:

The part Points Obligatory
Exam (written) test 30 15
Oral examination +/- 10

Exam test

The written part is organized in the form of a test. Students must obtain at least the required minimum points and can then decide whether he / she wants the grade that he / she is entitled to based on the points obtained so far (points from the exercises + points from the written part of the exam) or whether he / she will go to the oral examination. The examiner, if the student agrees with the “assigned” mark, can briefly verify that the student understands his / her results in the test. In case of major doubts, the grading scale may be the full scale.

Oral part of the exam

If a student decides to go to an oral exam, he / she is automatically subtracted by 5 points (and can obtain 10 points by correct ansfer). This bet and gain process can be repeated two times which allows to add at maximum 10 points to already obtained sum. The examiner reserves the right to assess the test inadequately and, in the case of finding out the underestimated qualities of the student, to improve the student's assigned grade.

courses/b35apo/en/classification/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 15:25 (external edit)