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courses:be5b33prg:homeworks:spam:step4 [2015/10/15 15:13]
xposik [Preparation]
courses:be5b33prg:homeworks:spam:step4 [2015/11/25 15:56] (current)
xposik [Preparation]
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 =====Preparation===== =====Preparation=====
 +Required features of Python:
 +  * You should already know how to work with text files.
 +  * How to get a directory listing using function [[http://​docs.python.org/​py3k/​library/​os.html?​highlight=listdir#​os.listdir|os.listdir()]]
 You should think about and write down on a piece of paper: You should think about and write down on a piece of paper:
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   * What is the difference (from the implementation standpoint) between a learning filter and a non-learning filter?   * What is the difference (from the implementation standpoint) between a learning filter and a non-learning filter?
   * Is there any part which all of the spam filters have in common?   * Is there any part which all of the spam filters have in common?
-  * Is it better to create a spam filter as a function or as a class with methods and properties? 
-  * What are the minimal requirements for such an implementation?​ What does it have to be able to do, and what inputs and what outputs does it have to have? 
-Read how the //​inheritance// ​in OOP works and how it is used in Python. You can find more information here:+**Optional (for more advanced programmers):​** ​Read how the //​inheritance ​of OOP// works in Python. You can find more information here:
-  * in the official [[http://​docs.python.org/​release/​3.2.3/​tutorial/​classes.html#​inheritance|Python tutorial]], or +  * in the official [[https://​docs.python.org/​3/​tutorial/​classes.html#​inheritance|Python tutorial]], or
-  * in {[a4b99rph:​Downey2009]},​ [[http://​www.greenteapress.com/​thinkpython/​html/​book019.html|chapter 18]], [[http://​www.greenteapress.com/​thinkpython/​html/​book019.html#​toc199|section 18.7]], or+
   * in {[a4b99rph:​Wentworth2012]},​ [[http://​openbookproject.net/​thinkcs/​python/​english3e/​inheritance.html|chapter 23]].   * in {[a4b99rph:​Wentworth2012]},​ [[http://​openbookproject.net/​thinkcs/​python/​english3e/​inheritance.html|chapter 23]].
-**Also read [[http://​docs.python.org/​library/​sys.html#​sys.argv|how you can detect script parameters]] from command line.** 
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     * ''​ParanoidFilter''​ which classifies all the emails as ''​SPAM'',​ and     * ''​ParanoidFilter''​ which classifies all the emails as ''​SPAM'',​ and
     * ''​RandomFilter''​ which assigns the lables ''​OK''​ and ''​SPAM''​ randomly.     * ''​RandomFilter''​ which assigns the lables ''​OK''​ and ''​SPAM''​ randomly.
-    * If these 3 filters have some functionality in common, try to extract it into a common ancestor called ''​BaseFilter''​ **in module ''​basefilter.py''​**.+    ​* **Optional:​** If these 3 filters have some functionality in common, try to extract it into a common ancestor called ''​BaseFilter''​ **in module ''​basefilter.py''​**.
 Why do we need it? Why do we need it?
courses/be5b33prg/homeworks/spam/step4.1444914821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/15 15:13 by xposik