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courses:be5b33prg:homeworks:spam:step2 [2015/11/25 16:00]
xposik [Spam filter - step 2]
courses:be5b33prg:homeworks:spam:step2 [2015/11/25 16:33]
xposik [Preparation]
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     * what these abbreviations mean for the spam filtering problem, and     * what these abbreviations mean for the spam filtering problem, and
     * what we need to know to be able to compute them.     * what we need to know to be able to compute them.
 +  * See the documentation for ''​[[https://​docs.python.org/​3.4/​library/​collections.html#​collections.namedtuple|namedtuple]]''​.
 +===== Specifications =====
 +  * In module ''​quality.py'',​ create function ''​compute_confusion_matrix()''​.
 +  * The function will have 4 input arguments:
 +    * ''​truth_dict'',​ a dictionary with the true correct class of individual emails,
 +    * ''​pred_dict'',​ a dictionary with the class predicted for individual emails by a filter,
 +    * ''​pos_tag''​ (optional, with default value ''​True''​),​ a class that will be considered positive, and
 +    * ''​neg_tag''​ (optional, with defualt value ''​False''​),​ a class that will be considered negative. Thanks to these optional parameters, the function will be generally usable, not only for the spam filter task with ''​pos_tag="​SPAM"''​ and ''​neg_tag="​OK"''​).
 +  * The function will compute four statistics, TP, TN, FP, FN, needed to evaluate a filter, and will return them as a ''​namedtuple''​ with the following definition:<​code python>
 +from collections import namedtuple
 +ConfMat = namedtuple('​ConfMat',​ 'tp, tn fp fn')
 +Why do we need it?
 +  * Function ''​compute_confusion_matrix()''​ represents the basis for evaluation of the filter performance.
 +  * The function can be used in the following way:<​code python>
 +>>>​ cm1 = compute_confusion_matrix({},​ {})
 +>>>​ print(cm1)
 +ConfMat(tp=0,​ tn=0, fp=0, fn=0)
 +</​code>​or<​code python>
 +>>>​ truth_dict = {'​em1':​ '​SPAM',​ '​em2':​ '​SPAM',​ '​em3':​ '​OK',​ '​em4':'​OK'​}
 +>>>​ pred_dict = {'​em1':​ '​SPAM',​ '​em2':​ '​OK',​ '​em3':​ '​OK',​ '​em4':'​SPAM'​}
 +>>>​ cm2 = compute_confusion_matrix(truth_dict,​ pred_dict, pos_tag='​SPAM',​ neg_tag='​OK'​)
 +>>>​ print(cm2)
 +ConfMat(tp=1,​ tn=1, fp=1, fn=1)
 +**Note**: You can expect that the dictionaries will have the same set of keys. Think about the situation when the keys would be different: what shall the method do?
courses/be5b33prg/homeworks/spam/step2.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/04 14:22 by svobodat