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Actual Credit Score

Name ANN report (max. 10p) Comments EA implementation (max. 10p) EA report (max. 10p) Comments Midterm test (max. 25p) Final exam Total
Cardoso Bruno template not used, no results (graphs tables), experiments should be repeated, assignment report must be rewritten, otherwise will not be accepted
da Costa Simoes Catarina Maria
García López Álvaro 8 10 5 -2 required template is not used, not formatted as a tech. report, references; -1 no crossover is used, evolutionary model is not described clearly; -2 experimental evaluation is missing 18 31.5
Nejc Novak 25
Yusupov Mukhiddin 8 -2 misspellings, less understandable text, not sure how many times (and if ever) the experiments were repeated - significance of the results can't be even estimated 10 8 -1 required template is not used; -1 uclear issues regrading the crossover and mutation operators and the experimental setup 17 37
Sędzielewska Olga 7 -1 misspellings, for several figures, I was unable to understand what they show. They should have better descriptions; -2 no parameter setup (e.g., number of clusters for k-means, size of SOM, etc.) - 14 -2 required template is not used, the text does not work with the references; -4 uclear issues regrading the evolutionary model, selection and mutation 17

Credit Allowance Conditions

  • Participation and active work at all seminars.
  • Delivering both assignments.
  • Gathering of at least 50% of all points.


Maximal amount of points, which can be recieved during the course, is 100.

55 points can be recieved during the semester:

  • written report on the analysis of artificial neural networks: 10 points (min 5 points)
  • written report on application of an evolutionary algorithm: 10 points (min 5 points)
  • working program of the evolutionary algorithm: 10 points (min 5 points)
  • oral presentation of the evolutionary algorithm: 5 points
  • midterm test: 20 points (min 10 points) example test

45 points can be recieved at the final exam:

  • written exam test: 40 points (can be passed only with at least 20 points)
  • optional oral exam: < -5, +5 > points

Extra points can be gotten through exceptional performance in the assignments.

Points for each mark:

Points Grade ECTS Evaluation
100 - 90 A excellent
89 - 80 B very good
79 - 70 C good
69 - 60 D satisfactory
59 - 50 E sufficient
49 and less F failed

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courses/ae4m33bia/evaluation.1380884573.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/08 21:00 (external edit)