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Persistence - Blobs, Tables

Tutorial Tasks

Task 1 - Blob storage

  • Implement interface ISimpleStorage using Blob storage
  1. Download solution of previous tutorial mvcapplication1.zip}
  2. Create CloudStorageAccount instance.
  3. Implement getter Messages {get;}
    1. Create instance of Cloud Blob Client
    2. Get instance of particular CloudBlobContainer (if exists)
    3. Get instance of particular CloudBlob (if exists);
    4. Get content and convert it to List<string>, return.
  4. Implement method AddMessage
    1. Create instance of Cloud Blob Client
    2. Get old content (using Messages {get;}
    3. Create new content by adding actual message.
    4. Get instance of particular CloudBlobContainer (if exists, if not create one)
    5. Get instance of particular CloudBlob (if exists);
    6. Upload new content into blob
This code can run on premiss - using your local IIS or development server

Task 2 - Table storage

  1. Use prepared MessagesDataSource class for implemenation of ISimpleStorage using Azure Tables
  2. Implement getter Messages {get;}
    1. Get collection of message entries using Select() method.
    2. Prepare List<string> collection for output
  3. Implement method AddMessage
    1. use AddMessage method of data source
courses/a4m39wa2/tutorials/08/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/03 13:36 (external edit)