Table of Contents

LAB OPTIMISATION AE4B33OPT, Winter 2015/2016

Teacher: Ivana Duricova

Description of the Labs

Each Lab contain practice the substance of lectures in the form of examples. Examples, which will be counted, are always posted (see the penultimate column plan of the Labs) week in advance. Preparation for Lab: Please read the relevant chapter from the script and try to solve as much excercises as you can.

On some Labs you can get programming homework (see the last column of the plan of the Labs). Your task is the role of the program in MATLAB and deliver a functioning matlab code and message. The report must contain replies to the questions that are listed in the task (nothing more may not contain).

The message and the code is to be handed to the next exercise by using Uploading System. Tasks are scored (0-10 points) and late submission is by reducing the penalty point rating (minus 1 point for every week of delay). The message is always in PDF format and type is best in LaTeX.

Plan of the Labs

č. We Contents (Chapter in Lecture Notes) Discussed excercises from Lecture Notes Homework
01 7.10. Formalising Optimisation Tasks (1) Excercises: 1.1 d, g, h, i; 1.2.
02 14.10. Matrix Algebra (2), Linearity (3) Excercises: 2.1; 2.3; 2.4; 2.7; 2.10; 2.11; 3.1; 3.3; 3.5 a; 3.9, 3.10
03 21.10. Orthogonality (4), Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems (6) Excercises: 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 6.1; 6.2; 6.3 a,b; 6.5 c,d
04 4.11. Orthogonality (4), Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems (6) Excercises: 4.4; 4.7; 4.9; 4.12; 6.3 d,e; 6.4; 6.6; 6.12 a, c, e HW1; deadline 11.11.
05 11.11. Spectral Decomposition and Quadratic Functions (5), Singular Values Decomposition (SVD) (7) Excercises: 5.1 b; 5.2; 5.15 a; 5.16 7.1; 7.2; 7.3 HW2; deadline 18.11.
06 18.11. Spectral Decomposition and Quadratic Functions (5), Singular Values Decomposition (SVD) (7) Excercises: 5.1 a; 5.15 b; 5.14; 6.4(cz); 6.5(cz); 7.2(cz); 7.4 HW3; deadline 25.11.
07 25.11. Nonlinear Functions and Mappings (8) Excercises: 8.1 a,c; 8.2; 8.3; 8.5 a; 8.6; 8.7; optional 8.4
08 02.12. Extrem of a Function over a Set (9), Analytical Conditions for Local Extrem (10) Excercises: 9.3 b,d,g; 10.5 e; 10.11 c; 10.17 a; 10.24; optional 10.8 a HW4 use matlab code; deadline 9.12.
09 09.12. Iterative algorithms to free local extremes (11) Derive the first iterative method to calculate the square root of (solved excercise 11.1) and prove that converges superlinear, solved excercise 11.2, 11.2, 11.4, Gauss-Newton method - modeling of population size HW5; deadline 16.12.
10 16.12. Linear programming (12) Excercises: 12.1; 12.2 c,d,e; 12.3 a-c,f; 12.4; 12.9; additional LP excercise HW6; deadline 06.01.
11 06.01. Convex sets and polyhedra (13) Excercises: 13.1 a,b; 13.2 d,e,f; 13.3 a,b,c; 13.4, 12.6. HW7; deadline 13.1.
12 11.01. Simplex method (14) Excercises: 14.1; 14.2; 14.3; 14.6
13 13.01. Konvex funktion and optimisation tasks (16, 17)

Evaluation of the Labs

Credit conditions:

For the Labs for the entire semester you get max. 50 points. Score will be count from homeworks.


When solving tasks may be tempting to “cooperate” with my friends, whether in person or over the internet. This activity can easily degenerate into plagiarism . In this course it means the repossession solutions from other students (including your predecessors from previous years) or the provision of other students. Plagiarism we will mercilessly punish.

On the other hand will not prohibited discussion about substance with other students, on the contrary! Where is the line, what is allowed and what not? I can't avoid the understanding of the role and the intellectual work on it due to the fact that it worked out for me by someone else. Definitely beyond the boundary is take part of the code from other students or from the Web site or give the code anywhere in the web.

For discussions about the Labs, of course, you can use the discussion forum. There will be talk about mathematics solution, but may not be there giving code or pseudo code.