Images of the Scene

The goal of the work during the whole term is to reconstruct a 3D object (scene) from its images. In order to make the task manageable, we have chosen such a scene, that is relatively uncomplicated considering 3D computer vision methods: a decorative portal. The simplicity of such a scene lies in the fact, that the scene is almost planar and small number of views is enough for reconstruction.

We have prepared data captured at several places, see Data. The capturing scheme consists of three levels of height, four pictures in each. The capturing scheme is in figure 1. All images are captured with the same zoom setting, i.e. the same internal camera calibration matrix K. The matrix is provided in each data set.

Fig. 1: Capturing scheme Fig. 2: Example input images

Since the 3D reconstruction algorithms use the (linear) perspective camera model, the radial distortion of input images has been removed.