Computational Geometry

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No. Date Topic Homework
1. 26. 9. Introduction to the form of the seminars. Selection of topics for assignment. Notes: Robustness of geometric predicates and constructs.
First homework assignment (DL. week 4)
2. 3.10. No-seminar Test the upload system by uploading any .txt file
3. 10.10. No-seminar
4. 17.10. Student Presentation, discussion, presentation evaluation. Second homework assignment (DL. week 8) First homework DL
5. 24.10. Student Presentation.
6. 31.10. No-seminar.
7. 7.11. Student Presentation.
8. 14.11. Student Presentation. Third homework assignment (DL. week 12) Second homework DL
9. 21.11. No-seminar.
10. 28.11. Student Presentation.
11. 5.12. Student Presentation.
12. 12.12. Student Presentation. Third homework DL - postponed 1 week
13. 19.12. No-seminar. Third homework DL (new deadline22.12.2019)
14. 9.1. Reserve