Computer Labs

Where and when: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Charles Square:

Thursday 16:15 - 17:45 (room KN:E-132) or Friday 11:00 - 12:30 (room KN:E-230) according to your schedule.

Teaching: Ing. Pavel Šindler

Consultation: (preferred order)

  1. During/after PC lab (in person)
  2. E-mail

Attending the labs is mandatory. Each lab is associated with a lecture where the theory required for the lab is presented. In case of skipping the lecture, the student is responsible for studying the necessary theory by himself. The content of the PC labs is going to be made available throughout the semester.

Topic number date (Thu) date (Fri) content
1. 26.09.2024 27.09.2024 First steps, introduction to IDE, weekly homework
2. 03.10.2023 04.10.2023 Variables, conditionals
3. 10.10.2023 11.10.2023 Functions, error and exceptions
4. 17.10.2023 18.10.2023 Iterables - strings, tuples, lists
5. 24.11.2023 25.10.2023 Non-trivial loops, iterators, sets, dictionaries
6. 30.10.2023 01.11.2023 Modules, namespaces, conventions
7. 07.11.2023 08.11.2023 Comprehensive exercises
8. 14.11.2023 15.11.2023 Files
9. 21.11.2023 22.11.2023 Debugging, code testing, exceptions
10. 28.12.2023 29.12.2023 Objects and classes I - class method, static method, property, instances as return values
11. 05.12.2023 06.12.2023 Objects and classes II - dot operator composition, equality, object copy, operator overloading
12. 12.12.2023 13.12.2023 End-of-term test
13. 19.12.2024 20.12.2024 Object and classes III - comprehensive exercises
14. 09.01.2025 10.01.2025 Unittest, exceptions, list comprehensions+ Comprehensive exercises

Regular Homework Assignments (Graded Assignments)

Over the course of the semester, students will be given a total of 6 graded homework assignments. These assignments will be introduced during our PC labs, giving everyone an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the requirements. Each assignment's evaluation consists of two key components:

  1. Automatic Evaluation: Our system will run tests to ensure the correctness of your code.
  2. Manual Evaluation by the Teacher: Here, emphasis is not just on the solution but also on the presentation of your code. A well-written code should be readable, structured, and accompanied by relevant docstrings to comment on your functions.

Please be aware that the exact submission deadlines for these homework assignments can be found in the Upload system. Typically, students will have a 2-week window to complete and submit their assignments. It is crucial to note that these deadlines are strict, and punctuality is expected. Ensure you adhere to these timelines to guarantee your work is graded.

Mandatory Lab Exercises (Weekly Homework)

Each lab will have an associated mandatory lab exercise (weekly homework) with a deadline on Friday 23:59 each week. During the labs, the assignment will be discussed and individual help will be provided to students in order for them to complete the assignment. Students regularly attending the lectures should be able to solve the problem during the lab, either alone or with a minor help from the teacher. Submission of all mandatory lab exercises to BRUTE Upload system before the deadline is part of the lab attendance requirement.

  • Weekly HW will always be discussed during the PC lab and students will have plenty of time to program the solution before the lab ends.
  • Work on your own but don't hesitate to ask the teacher for your help.
  • Submit your solution before the end of the lab. If it happens that you need a little bit more time, you are allowed to submit the solution by Friday 23:59.
  • Successful submission of all weekly homework assignments is required.


It is required that all work you submit in this course is original and your own. It is not allowed to copy homework solutions from other students or from the internet, to provide your homework solutions to other students, or to publish them on the internet. You may freely discuss your solutions with other students, but code sharing is prohibited. See plagiarism_cheating for more details.

It is your responsibility that you do not share your code. In case of discovery, the person who provided the code is punished as well. Sufficient evidence of plagiarism is even when a student is unable to explain how his code works.

There are very strict punishments with regard to plagiarism and cheating during homework, tests, and exams. The first discovered plagiarism/cheating leads to zero points from the assignment/test. In case of an assignment, it is further necessary to submit a new, original, solution for zero points. The second occurrence means an F (fail) from the course and any subsequent plagiarism/cheating leads to disciplinary actions at the faculty level. It is important to note that every discovered plagiarism/cheating gets into your record – the plagiarism/cheating occurrences are counted cumulatively across all courses during your studies.

Q/A - Can I copy-paste from the internet?

The definition of plagiarism is using someone else's work and not acknowledging the source, i.e. claiming the work as your own. Copy-pasting is a special case - each time you copy-paste from any source, you need to carefully mark the copy-pasted part and cite the source. In case of essentially all courses during your studies, the work you submit is required to be original and your own, so you will not get any points for submitting someone else's work.

How to begin

courses/be5b33prg/labs/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 14:56 by nemymila