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Computer Lab 06, Modules and testing

Practical work

Celsius and Fahrenheit

Search the internet and find the conversion equations between the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales.

Module ''temperature.py''

Create module temperature.py with 2 functions:

  • celsius_to_fahrenheit(degrees_celsius) and
  • fahrenheit_to_celsius(degrees_fahrenheit).


  • Function celsius_to_fahrenheit shall accept a numeric argument representing a temperature in degrees Celsius and will return a numeric value representing the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Function celsius_to_fahrenheit shall accept a numeric argument representing a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and will return a numeric value representing the temperature in degrees Celsius.

Test the functions

  • Document the usage of the functions by examples in docstrings, and try to run them using the doctest module. Inspire yourself in the following code:

# file average.py
def average(x,y):
    """Return the average of 2 numbers.
    >>> average(10,20)
    >>> average(1.5, 2.0)
    return (x + y) / 2
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

  • Optionally, implement test cases using module unittest, also from the standard library.
  • Optionally, use a simple testing tool implemented in module testing.py. Create a test script test_temperature.py that will use our testing.py module to test the same situations that you used above to document the functions.


Still in module temperature.py, create a function convert which shall

  • accept a single string argument, e.g. '0C', '23.5C', or '122.1F', and shall
  • return a similar string containing the temperature in the other scale, including the scale “identifier” C or F at the end of the string.
  • Test the function using the above 2 approaches again.


  • Finish all the above tasks, and the tasks from last week, if you haven't finished them yet.
  • Finish Homework 3: vectorlib and upload your solution to the upload system! See the deadline there!
  • Prepare for the midterm test! Its contents may be based on all the topics covered so far.
courses/be5b33prg/labs/week_06.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/15 14:50 by petrito1