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Turning in simple player

At the end of the third week, you should have functional at least the simplest player (playing without memory). If during the week you think you will not have it finished, do not hesitate and discuss your problems with the lecturer. The discussion will be a lot more effective, if you have a set of prepared question.

The player has to satisfy the specifications. It is the same for both, this turn in, and for the final turn in of the player for the tournament. Player has to be able to play, however it does not have to be intelligent (yet). If the player fulfills the specification (checklist below), you automatically receive 2 points, for intelligence, easy-to-read code and well-commented code, you can earn up to another 4 points.

We recommend to check your code compatibility with the specifications. To receive 2 points, you have to fulfill all of them.

  • Your file-module must be named player.py 1)
  • The player class must have a docstring that is shorter than 80 symbols
  • Instance of the MyPlayer class can be created with 1 input argument (payoff matrix)
  • Instance of the MyPlayer class can be created with 2 input arguments (payoff matrix, number of iterations)
  • move() method returns either True or False (boolean data type)
  • record_opponents_move(move) method exists and can receive input parameter
You upload only this file and no other. Also, the file should not be in any subdirectory.
courses/ae4b99rph/labs/prisoners_dilemma/03_pd_player.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/04 13:02 (external edit)