
We provide examples of exam assignments from previous years with solutions examples.pdf

Exam instructions WS23/24

We propose three exam terms, 90min each, at the following dates

  • 16. Jan. 2024, 12:00 - 13:30, KN:E-107
  • 02. Feb. 2024, 09:00 - 10:30, KN:E-107
  • 14. Feb. 2024, 09:00 - 10:30, KN:E-112

Allowed materials: You are allowed to bring one A4 page with your handwritten notes (one sided).

Online exam attendance: Upon request you can attend exam terms online. Acceptable reasons are e.g. early leaving for a study semester abroad.

  • The online terms will be run parallel to the scheduled presence terms.
  • We rely on your fairness and abstain from any form of surveillance.
  • There will be a BigBlueButton conference room opened during the entire duration of the exam. You can ask questions in case of uncertainties in assignment formulations.
  • You will have 10 more minutes for preparing scans/photos of your solutions and uploading them to the upload system (BRUTE). Allowed upload formats: archive (zip, tar, tgz, bz2).
courses/be4m33ssu/exam.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/14 08:59 by flachbor