Table of Contents

t1f-exploration - Robotic information gathering - Mobile robot exploration

Files - File to be implemented - Helpers for evaluation, drawing, and saving figures
data - Scenarios and reference solutions in bag files - Evaluation script
Resources Introduction to CoppeliaSim/V-REP and Open-Loop Robot Locomotion Control
Exteroceptive sensing and Reactive-based Obstacle Avoidance, - Initial files and evaluation script
Implement and revise
  • Explorer.mapping() in,
  • Explorer.planning() in,
  • Explorer.path_following() in
  • You can use the provided and modify or derive a new class with the improved planning().
  • You can use ControllerReactive from t1b-react or the provided
  • You can use Planner from t1c-plan or the provided
  • You can use Mapper from t1d-map or the provided
  • You can use Frontiers from t1e-frontiers or the provided


Autonomous mobile robotic exploration is a complex problem with relatively challenging implementation using a multi-thread environment. For the frontier-based exploration, the particular building blocks for path planning, mapping, and frontiers extractions have been developed in the corresponding tasks t1c-plan, t1d-map, and t1e-frontiers, respectively. Besides, the plan to navigate the robot towards the not yet explored part of the environment can be executed by the reactive path follower implemented in t1b-react.

The provided sources in include an example implementation of the multi-thread applications, albeit it can be eventually adjusted as needed.

The main task is to implement the decision-making strategy, that is, to determine the next navigation goal (plan) in the function planning() of the Explorer class. Therefore, the whole application logic is encapsulated in the ExplorerBase class to make the problem approachable. There are three main threads of Explorer with an additional thread for visualization (in ExplorerBase) and one more thread of the HexapodRobot. These threads run at a different rate as it is unnecessary to run planning and visualization at high frequency.

Due to a multi-thread setup, it is desirable to utilize exclusive access to the shared data structures realized by the shared variables of the base class ExplorerBase, which is sufficient for the implementation of the task.

Any of the provided source files can be adjusted and modified as needed!


Three functions need to be implemented for the working autonomous exploration. The first is mapping(), a direct utilization of the of t1d-map with laser scan fusion into a grid map. Since it is shared with the planning thread and visualization, the access is protected by the mutex_gridmap. The second is planning() that consists of the following steps

  1. Determination of the frontiers and representatives of the free edges from the t1e-frontiers.
  2. Selection of the most suitable navigation goal to ensure its reachability, such as using map grow from t1c-plan.
  3. Planning a path with the eventual simplification that can be directly based on the solution of t1c-plan.
  4. Passing the sequence of waypoints to the path-following thread.

The path following thread is a variant of the reactive obstacle avoidance t1b-react, where we need to address handling plans provided by the planning thread. Thus, we need to set a new goal location when a new plan is prepared.

The provided sources represent a basic implementation of the exploration, which is working but is neither very reliable nor robust. The limitations and possible improvements are as follows.

Limitations and Possible Solutions

The provided default implementation has several issues and drawbacks that can result in less robust and reliable autonomous exploration missions. The main issues with the possible solutions are the following.

Possible Further Extensions

A more demanding possible further extensions are as follows.