====== HRO Docker ====== We prepared a Docker image with everything needed for this course. The instructions on how to use it can be found [[https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/body-schema/teaching/b3m33hro-labs/-/tree/B232/Docker|here]]. We provide a Python script to make things easier for you, so you basically only need to install Docker and run the script on our GitLab. ====== Steps ====== * Create some folder (let's call it SOMEPATH) for the course * ''cd SOMEPATH'' * ''git clone https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/body-schema/teaching/b3m33hro-labs.git'' (''git clone git@gitlab.fel.cvut.cz:body-schema/teaching/b3m33hro-labs.git'' if you have SSH key at FEL GitLab) * ''git clone https://github.com/rustlluk/pyCub.git'' * ''cd SOMEPATH/b3m33hro-labs/Docker'' * ''./deploy.py -c hro -p ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_SOMEPATH -pu'' * use ''-b'' instead of ''-pu'' to build the image locally * use ''-vnc'' at the end of the command for VNC version ===== Native vs VNC version ===== The provided Docker image can work in two modes: native and VNC. * Native version if suitable only for GNU/Linux systems (the main reason is the difference between docker-engine and docker-desktop). * using this version will make all applications usable on your system natively as if you would install them. If you have Linux, then this is a way to go for you * **Install [[https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/|docker-engine]]** * On Windows and Mac, there is no docker-engine and system variables include work differently. So, you need to use VNC version of the image. You can enable it by using -vnc switch when using Python deployment script, or by calling ''vnc'' command in the Docker enviroment. After that, you need to run ''start-vnc-session.sh'' and open http://localhost:6080 in your browser.