====== Lectures ====== Topic questions at the exam:{{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:00.dsaquestionsen.pdf |DsaQuestionsEN}} \\ ^ Week ^ Date ^ Lecturer ^ Lecture Topic ^ Educational Documents ^ | 1 | 25.09.2024 | - | No lecture in this week | | | 2 | 02.10.2024 | RM | Introduction to complex networks. | {{:courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:00.dsaoverview.pdf|Overview}} \\ {{:courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p01.introduction.pdf| P01Handouts}} | | 3 | 09.10.2024 | RM | Fundamental characteristics of networks and models of random graphs. | {{:courses:b2m32dsaa:lectures:p02.complexnetworks.pdf| P02Handouts}} | | 4 | 16.10.2024 | RM | Network properties | {{:courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p03.networkproperties.pdf| P03Handouts }} | | 5 | 23.10.2024 | RM | Network structure identification | {{:courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p04.networkstructure.pdf|P04Handouts}} | | 6 | 30.10.2024 | RM | Community detection | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p05.communitydetection.pdf | P05CommunityDetection.pdf }} | | 7 | 06.11.2024 | RM | Ties prediction and network inference | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p06.networkinference.pdf | P06.NetworkInference.pdf }} | | 8 | 13.11.2024 | RM | Specification system Alloy | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p08.alloy.pdf | P07.Alloy.pdf}} | | 9 | 20.11.2024 | RM | Verification system UPPAAL | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p08.uppaal.pdf |UPPAAL.pdf}} | | 10 | 27.11.2024 | RM | Protocol verification | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p10.protocolverification.pdf | ProtocolVerification.pdf}}| | 11 | 04.12.2024 | RM | Finite state machines testing | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p11.fsmcheckingsequence.pdf |FsmCheckingSequence.pdf }} | | 12 | 11.12.2024 | RM | Checking sequences of finite state machines | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p12.fsmsequences.pdf | FsmSequences.pdf }} | | 13 | 18.12.2024 | RM | Finite state machine behavior learning | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p13.fsmlearning.pdf | FsmLearning }} | | 14 | 08.01.2025 | RM | Network dynamics and dynamic network processes | {{ :courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p07.networkdynamics.pdf | P07.NetworkDynamics.pdf}} | | 15 | 10.01.2025 | RM | Multilayer Network Diagnostics | {{:courses:be2m32dsaa:lectures:p14.multilayerdiagnostics.pdf|P14.MultilayerDiagnostics.pdf}} |