Table of Contents

Exercise 5



Likely, you will not manage to finish the implementation of all the functions during the excercise in the lab. Finish them as a home work.

Netlab installation

Download the Netlab toolbox, unpack it to a directory, and set the path to the directory in MATLAB.

The wedge dataset

Repeat the task from the last week: train a simple neural network (2,2,1) on the wedge dataset.

For plotting, you can use the following code snippets. For the decision boundary:

%% Plot the decision boundary
% Assuming the data are already plotted in current figure.
% Get the current axis limits
ax = axis;
% Prepare the mesh of points we will use to test the network
myx = ax(1):(ax(2)-ax(1))/100:ax(2);
myy = ax(3):(ax(4)-ax(3))/100:ax(4);
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(myx,myy);
% Prepare the data to the right format
data = [xx(:) yy(:)];
% Ask the NN for predictions
pred = mlpfwd(net, data);
% Reshape the predictions to the original matrix size
pred = reshape(pred, numel(myx), numel(myy));
% Draw the contour line - the decision boundary
[foo,c] = contour(myx, myy, pred, [0.5 0.5]);

And for the network response (assuming myx, myy, and pred come from the previous code snippet):

surf(myx, myy, pred);
shading flat;

The XOR dataset

Use the XOR dataset and explore the results of (2,2,1) network for this data set.

Try to set higher number of units in the hidden layer.