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Computer Lab 03, Functions


practical work

We use the code implemented last week, from [Wentworth2012] and make it more flexible by encapsulating the core functionality in functions.

2.14.5 Create a function compute_final_amount that will have P,r,n,t as the input parameters. Comment the function appropriately. Make the code robust against dividing by zero runtime problem. Test the functionality.

time difference variant of 2.14.7 and 2.14.8. Implement a function compute_time_diff(h1,m1,h2,m2) that returns two values - hours, minutes - time difference between t2-t1, where the time is expressed in hours and minutes. Expect 24 hours notation.


>>> h,m = compute_time_diff(13,20,15,10)
>>> print(h,m)
1 50
