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Assignment #1 – Multiagent system


A group of four miners is facing an uneasy task. It is deployed to a gold mine and the miners have to collect all gold stones scattered around the mine and bring them all to one of the company depots. The company is saving money wherever it can and the stones they have to carry are becoming more and more heavy. At this point, these stones have become that heavy that no single one of them can lift them alone. Every time a miner wants to lift a stone, he must call some friend to help him. Will you help them to collect all the gold stones in time?

Scenario 1: On day one, they were quite lucky. They have arrived in a tidy gold mine and they may go wherever they want. The only problem here is that the work is still in progress and new gold stones appear from time to time. Whenever a gold stone appears somewhere in the mine, miners must be able to find it and bring it to a depot. If the miners do succeed, they will be awarded 2 points. (see task0.txt)

Scenarios 2-8: The conditions in the mine get more and more challenging on the subsequent days. Debris is scattered around the mine and the miners are still asked to perform what they are paid for – collecting the gold! Make your agent navigate through these mines obstructed by heavy machinery and other obstacles and make them succeed! Miners get 1 point for every scenario they complete successfully. (see task1.txt-task7.txt - we will evaluate the performance of your mining team on slightly modified versions of these scenarios)

Competition: The group of the miners was proven to be highly competent and thus the managers have decided to send them to a mining competition. 25% fastest groups of miners will be awarded another 1 point.

Mining research The conditions in the mining industry are getting worse every day. If you think your group of miners can overcome even greater difficulties, they may be awarded some extra points (after prior discussion with the tutor).


Download and implementation

Java project (applicable also for implementations in other languages!)

You should implement your solution inside student.Agent class (and possibly other classes of your need within the student package). You can test your solution by launching mas.agents.SimulationCore [map file] where [map file] is the name of scenario you want to test. If you want to be sure that your agents do not share any knowledge, you can use mas.agents.SimulationCore [map file] ~ (this setting may complicate debugging).

If you are willing to implement your solution in other languages (e.g., Python, C/C++), please refer to the section below. Also, if you want to implement your solution in languages other than Python and C/C++, let us know about that beforehand (we need to verify that we can easily test your solution first).


Submitting your solution

Create a zip archive containing the content of the student package and your report in PDF format and submit it to the upload system. If you do not have access to the upload system, please send your files to

Implementation in other language

WARNING: This is an experimental feature. You will be left in an uncharted territory. Use at your own risk! We will try to fix problems that may arise - but you are expected to be confident in the programming language of your choice.

To implement your agent, you are expected to write a program that accepts a single command-line argument (the ID of the agent) and communicates through standard input/output. Use standard output to send messages to other agents/environment, use standard input to receive messages from other agents.

Format of a message

[recipient] [sender] [messageID] [queryData] : [content]

Communication with the environment

To communicate with the environment and perform actions, send a message to agent 0. You will receive an answer containing your current percepts. Valid actions are: !left, !right, !up, !down, !pick, !drop, !sense.

Example message: 0 1 42 Q : !left (agent 1 wants to move left)

The environment reply with a message: 1 0 839 R42 : !status [agentX] [agentY] [width]x[height] [percepts]

Example message: 1 0 839 R42 : !status 10 10 20×20 A9,10 O11,10 O10,11


Send !ready action to the environment (similarly to actions above). Start execution upon receiving [agentID] 0 [messageID] - : !start.

Using your agent within the environment

To evaluate your agent, run the class SimulationCore with one extra parameter: mas.agents.SimulationCore [mapFile] [pathToAgentExecutable]


Currently we plan to support Python and C / Cpp. To submit your solution, submit an archive containing / main.c / main.cpp along with your PDF report.

Results of Competition

High penalty for failure Low penalty for failure
Login Avg. place Login Avg. place
1 smolidan 3.4 smolidan 3.4
2 cejkama3 7.7 cejkama3 3.6
3 hilarjos 8.0 hilarjos 6.0
4 trollmil 12.2 trollmil 8.0
5 mishcnik 13.6 milecdav 8.1
6 hlavam28 13.7 hlavam28 8.2
7 milecdav 14.5 mishcnik 8.9
8 krynsdan 15.4 strasfra 10.1
9 spanemar 15.6 spanemar 10.2
10 strasfra 16.0 kozakj11 10.8
11 ekimoiva 17.3 ekimoiva 11.6
12 kozakj11 17.4 krynsdan 11.9
13 lukasond 18.3 srsenste 12.2
14 najmami2 19.3 vobecant 13.2
15 pavlaad2 19.3 lukasond 13.4
16 kiselmak 19.4 kiselmak 14.6
17 srsenste 20.5 petrmat1 15.5
18 kuchapav 21.1 doudaond 15.5
19 vobecant 22.3 zalouja4 15.8
20 louredio 22.5 pavlaad2 15.9
21 ondrala3 23.2 kuchapav 15.9
22 zvaramar 25.8 najmami2 16.7
23 zalouja4 25.9 zvaramar 16.8
24 rindtedu 28.0 petrija9 17.3
25 doudaond 28.1 rindtedu 17.4
26 petrmat1 28.5 silhapro 17.6
27 petrija9 28.9 louredio 17.8
28 silhapro 29.1 viazomyk 18.0
29 urbanm30 30.8 urbanm30 18.3
30 viazomyk 32.0 kriztom3 19.3
31 kriztom3 32.4 janisjar 19.4
32 janisjar 33.4 ondrala3 19.7
33 skoumond 34.8 niklmate 19.9
34 kalatoma 35.1 kalatoma 19.9
35 niklmate 35.6 strammar 20.1
36 strammar 35.8 vsetepet 20.3
37 vsetepet 36.0 rehacden 20.3
38 rehacden 36.0 hromalu1 20.4
39 hromalu1 36.0 skoumond 20.7
40 ciricste 37.0 ciricste 21.0
41 fiserto1 37.0 fiserto1 21.0
42 gabrimi5 37.0 gabrimi5 21.0
43 galinwil 37.0 galinwil 21.0
44 knakama1 37.0 knakama1 21.0
45 langrfil 37.0 langrfil 21.0
46 machvojt 37.0 machvojt 21.0
47 ondralad 37.0 ondralad 21.0
48 pavlisim 37.0 pavlisim 21.0
49 pograjak 37.0 pograjak 21.0
50 rozumden 37.0 rozumden 21.0
51 sedlazb1 37.0 sedlazb1 21.0