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Archive eFLP 2011: Prolog assignment 1

In the first assignment you are going to revise basic syntax of Prolog, its search strategy and recursion. You are asked to save your work in a file called and to submit it via the upload system.

You may find the code from the first prolog tutorial useful.

1. Introduction

Familiarize yourself with the royal family of the British Monarchy: wikipedia:British_Royal_Family

2. Database

Consider the following people:

and their relationships:

Your task is to encode the genealogy graph about the listed people using the listed relations into Prolog as ground facts.

1 point

3. Basic definitions

1 point

4. Negation by failure

Using the course literature or Google, study the “negation as failure \+” technique or “non-unifiability predicate \=”.

2 points

5. Recursion and search strategy

2 points


Submit the file to on the 14.4.2011 23:59 CEST the latest. The deadline is strict.