Table of Contents

Environment setup, setting up the MS and Google IDEs


See the requirements of the subject.

Google account and Google AppEngine

If not having, create your google account and add AppEngine. Both can be done here.


Download Indigo release of Eclipse for Java EE from this page, extract it and run it.

Google AppEngine plugin for Eclipse

Install Google App Engine plugin, create new project, run the project and upload the project to Google AppEngine by following this tutorial.

Student Jan Voňavka has tried several combinations of Java environment, Eclipse and Google AppEngine plugin. The versions that are vorking properly are:

Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo, 64 bit), JDK 1.6.0_31 (64 bit), Google AppEngine 1.6.1 or

Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo, 64 bit), JDK 1.7 (64 bit), Google AppEngine ( code highlighting in JSP files is not working

Live account

If not having, create your Live account here.

Windows Azure

Check resource “Praktická cvičení k vyzkoušení Windows Azure” here.

Prezentace ke cvičení
