Table of Contents

a4m36bis -- Bezpečnost informací a systémů




Assignment Required points Extra points
DefCon 5 points 3 points
Timing attack 5 points 5 points
Steganography/steganalysis 10 points 0 points
AVAST - part 1 2 points 3 points
AVAST - part 2 2 points 3 points
Total 24 points 14 points
Grade Points
A 21 - 24
B 18 - 20
C 15 - 17
D 13 - 14
F 0 - 13



* Gentle introduction to steganography and steganalysis is here. The proof of Square root law for independent covers can be found here Square root law requires linear key, Andrew D. Ker, 2009.

Implementation of Least Significant Bit Matching. Embedding function has signature function embed(iFileName,message,key,oFileName), extraction function has signature function message=extract(image,key). Script to verify correctness of the solution can be found here.


* Explanation of Fisher Linear Discriminant classifier, Receiver operator characteristics, threshold selection.

Implement Fisher Linear Discriminant as a function v=fld(P,N), where P is the matrix with positive samples (each row corresponds to one sample), N is the matrix with negative samples. Implement function drawing Receiver Operating Characteristics as function roc(P,N,w) (use plot to plot the graph do not forget to label axes).

* Introduction to modern steganalytic features. Paper about SPAM features and their later extensions rich models and PSRM features.

Implement (1st order) SPAM features as a function f=spam(image_name).

* Implement your own detector of LSB matching and use it on images downloaded from [Will be provided soon]. Images for training can be downloaded here covers. Decision of your classifier should be submitted in a column vector, where 1 mean image is stego, 0 mean image is cover. The order should reflect the names (ids) of images.

* Provide the output of your detector on ranking images. The output should be a text file with one column, where every line is the output of the detector on one image, ordered according to image numbers. Zero means image is cover (without a message), whereas one means image is stego (with a message). Accuracy over 70% gives 2 points, below 60% zero.


Labs 1 - 8.10.2015 - Intro, first assignment

Lab 5 - 5.11.2014 - Cryptography in java + Homework : timing attack

  1. OpenSSL connection
  2. Symmetric crypto
  3. Messenger project here, preparekeys.txt - rename to,

Demonstrate an attack on timing vulnerability in Google Keyczar library HMAC computation. Your goal is to find the signature of a message without knowing the correct key.

Download the bundle - Keyczar bundle. The bundle contains:

The project should be easy to import to any IDE from Maven model.

Example how to run the HMAC verifier:

Verifier keyCzarVerifier = new Verifier("keys"); //Directory containing a key set - for more info see JavaDoc
byte[] message = "Hello world".getBytes(); //original message in plain-text 
byte[] hMAC = new byte[]{}; //HMAC signature of the message 
boolean result = keyCzarVerifier.verify(message, hMAC);

Extra points (3 extra points) for performing the attack by interprocess communication (via stdin/out - class cz.cvut.keyczar.homework.VerificationServer) instead of directly calling and timing the verifier.

Allowed relaxations:

  1. You can compare the guessed bytes against a valid signature, but you may not use the signature to guess the bytes. The program is allowed to make wrong guesses, but not too many!
  2. You can help the timing by issuing a longer sleep, but justification is required.
  3. You can use keyczar bindings for another language, eg. python or C++. Make sure you’ve got the correct (vulnerable) version: revision 412. You can modify the array comparison to include a sleep or similar call.

Lab 6 - 12.11.2015 - Penetration testing - Intro, information gathering