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Prolog assignment 2: Searching clause space

In the first assignment you are going to revise advanced search algorithms. You are asked to save your work in a file called and to submit it via the upload system.1)

Tasks in this assignment do not have to be completed sequentially. If you wish, skip the first part of the assignment and earn all the points in the second half (see grading for more information).


In the second assignment you will create a more advanced ILP technique, which searches the space of all clauses. Unlike the previously implemented LGG, which was deterministic and Prolog gave you only a single clause as the answer, this time the computer will consider many clauses throughout the search. We will call the algorithm Blind Clause Search (BCS).

We will work once again with the genealogy graph of the royal family. Let's consider the well-known predicate daughter/2 for a start. The search begins with the most general clause c1=daughter(X,Y)., which has no body. Notice that this clause correctly predicts Louise being the daughter of Edward, because the query ?-daughter(louise,edward). succeeds. However it also predicts the reverse: Edward being the daughter of Louise, which is obviously incorrect. Therefore c1 needs to be specialized.

There will be two ways of clause specialization. First, we will add literals to the clause body and create c2=daughter(X,Y):-parent(A,B). Notice that variables in the new literal are fresh — not bound to the variables in the head. Binding the head literal with the body literal is done through variable unification, which is the second type of clause specialization. Unification creates firstly c3=daughter(X,Y):-parent(Y,B) and applying it for the second time yields c4=daughter(X,Y):-parent(Y,X).

Notice that c4 is better than c1 in the following sense: Both clauses correctly predict Louise being the daughter of Edward, but only c4 does not predict Edward being the daughter of Louise. How shall the computer know such a difference? We will supply the algorithm two types of examples: the positive and negative ones. The positive examples are those, for which your clause must succeed and the negative ones are those, for which your clause must not succeed (formally we say it entails or does not entail the example). If the clause is overly general (such as c1), a negative example fails and if the clause is overly specific (such as daughter(X,X).), a positive example fails. So instead of specifying a single goal state to be reached, we merely constrain the search space and ask the algorithm to find any clause, which satisfies all examples.

Supplied code

Save the database of the British Royal Family (





There are two task definitions for your code:

1) The easy one (

% Target predicate:

% Available body predicates:

% Positive examples:
pos(daughter(louise, edward)).
pos(daughter(louise, sophie)).

% Negative examples:
neg(daughter(louise, elizabeth)).
neg(daughter(diana, charles)).
neg(daughter(harry, diana)).
neg(daughter(diana, sophie)).

2) The hard one (

% Target predicate:
target(sibling, 2).

% Available body predicates:
language(parent, 2).
language(\=, 2).

% Positive examples:
pos(sibling(harry, william)).
pos(sibling(william, harry)).
pos(sibling(james, louise)).
pos(sibling(charles, edward)).

% Negative examples:
neg(sibling(charles, george)).
neg(sibling(george, charles)).
neg(sibling(george, diana)).
neg(sibling(harry, harry)).
neg(sibling(james, george)).
neg(sibling(diana, philip)).
neg(sibling(elizabeth, camilla)).
neg(sibling(louise, george)).
neg(sibling(sophie, diana)).

I. Building blocks

First of all, we will have to determine if the found clause is correct. Define a predicate examples_satisfied(Clause) which succeeds iff Clause satisfies all positive examples and satisfies no negative example.

Examples are given as pos(…) and neg(…) in the source code (see above). The Clause has the same structure as in the first assignment: Clause = cl(HeadLiteral, [BodyLit1,BodyLit2,…]).

To execute the list of body literals, you can use the following code:

exec_body([H|T]) :- call(H), exec_body(T).

Example usage:

?- exec_body([member(A,[a,b,c]), \+ A = b]).
A = a ;
A = c.

Clause checks all examples

Make sure your code produces equal results:2)

?- examples_satisfied(cl(daughter(X,Y),[parent(Y,X),female(X)])).

?- examples_satisfied(cl(daughter(X,Y),[parent(Y,X),female(Y)])).

?- examples_satisfied(cl(daughter(X,Y),[])).

Tip: Start implementing the negative examples first. They are easier.

1 point

Clause must work even when input arguments are not instantiated

Make sure that examples_satisfied succeeds iff the queried clause succeeds with input variables not instantiated. Expected results:3)

?- examples_satisfied(cl(sibling(X,Y),[parent(Z,X),parent(Z,Y),X \= Y])).

?- examples_satisfied(cl(sibling(X,Y),[X \= Y,parent(Z,X),parent(Z,Y)])).
Note that the second clause succeeds for ?-sibling(harry,william), but asking ?-sibling(X,Y) does not yield X = harry, Y = william. This is clearly undesirable. Try yourself by playing with the sibling(X,Y) :- X \= Y,parent(Z,X),parent(Z,Y). clause.

1 point

Define the search space

The search starts with an empty clause (e.g. c1), which is specialized using two operators:

Unify two variables

Define unify_vars(Cl1,Cl2) which unifies randomly 2 variables from Cl1:

?- unify_vars(cl(daughter(A,B),[parent(C,D)]), Cl).
Cl = cl(daughter(B, B), [parent(C, D)]);
Cl = cl(daughter(C, B), [parent(C, D)]);
Cl = cl(daughter(D, B), [parent(C, D)]);
Cl = cl(daughter(A, C), [parent(C, D)]);
Cl = cl(daughter(A, D), [parent(C, D)]);
Cl = cl(daughter(A, B), [parent(D, D)]).

Note: Clauses Cl1 and Cl2 may or may not share variables (they do in the example above). The choice depends on how to plan to use the predicates later in the assignment. The grading of this task will not be affected by your choice.

Tip: If you decide to separate all variables between Cl1 and Cl2, you may find copy_term/2 predicate useful.

1 point

Add a literal

Define add_literal(Cl1,Cl2) which adds one literal to the body of Cl1:

?- add_literal(cl(daughter(X,Y),[parent(Y,X)]), Cl).
Cl = cl(daughter(X, Y), [parent(_G345, _G346), parent(Y, X)]) ;
Cl = cl(daughter(X, Y), [female(_G345), parent(Y, X)]).

The added literals are defined through the language/2 predicate. Notice that the variables of the new literals are unbound.

1 point

II. Erecting the cathedral

Having both the search space and the terminating condition, create the search algorithm!

Define a predicate bcs(Cl) which finds a correct clause.


  1. Implement any type of search algorithm, which terminates in a finite amount of time given the easy task.4) 1 point.
  2. Use an algorithm different from (read: more sophisticated than) iterative-deepening depth-first-search./5) 1 point.


  1. Use any search algorithm that gives you an answer to the easy task within 5 seconds and to the hard task within 5 minutes.6) 1 point.
  2. Make the algorithm at least half as efficient as the “official implementation” on the easy task.7) 1 point
  3. Make the algorithm at least twice as efficient as the “official implementation” on the hard task. 1 point


  1. Invent and implement a good heuristics. 1 point
  2. Give a short talk about it during the last tutorial (3 minutes at most). 2 points


You can earn 12 points out of 8 in the second tutorial. The additional 4 points cannot be used for the exam, but they allow you to compensate lost points in the first Prolog assignment and during the test.


Submit the file to on the 20.5.2012 21.5.2012 23:59 CEST the latest. The deadline is strict.

The deadline for the “heuristics talk” is the last tutorial.

The upload system requires the file to be stored in an archive without any directories.
Examples come from the easy task.
Example from the hard task.
The upload system can run the code for a limited amount of time, which is 5 minutes. You can still earn the point if the time limit is exceeded, but the implementation is correct.
A closed list can be implemented easily using the variant predicate.
The time efficiency will be measured using: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5530 @ 2.40GHz (4800 bogomips); 64-bit linux, kernel 2.6.36 and SWI Prolog without parallel execution
Do not worry, the official implementation is not heavily optimized. Honestly, it's hardly optimized at all.