====== Typical questions for exam test for Robotics ====== The exam consist of a test A (20 minutes), a test B (20 minutes), test C (40 minutes), and oral exam. \\ ===== Test A ===== Example of questions in test: - Write down transformation expressions from cylindrical to cartezian coordinates. - What kinematical structure has a building site crane, make a simple drawing. - How many degrees of freedom has a computer mouse, how many of them it measures? - Transform point x=[1,2,3] from euclidean coordinates into homogeneous. - What is it hybrid kinematic chain? - Define operating space of the manipulator. - Define direct kinematics. - What sensors one can use for measuring position of revolute joint? - List main advantages of pneumatic drive. ===== Test B ===== Example of questions in test: - Two coordinated systems are given. Calculate a matrix transforming from first coordinate system to the other. More questions on this topic. - Calculate the coordinates of the point in one coordinate system given its coordinates - Are three given vectors linearly independent? - Calculate the rank of the matrix. - What is the structure of the robot in the figure. ===== Test C ===== Solve direct and inverse kinematics of planar manipulator and find its jacobian in coordinates x, y, fi (drawing specifying the robot follows). ===== Oral ===== Oral exam typically discusses errors and ambiguities in written part, but may raise additional questions. ===== Requirements for the exam ===== The total points from labs, exam tests, and oral part of exam are summed together (maximum 100 points) and the final evaluation is determined according standard CTU regulation: [[http://www.cvut.cz/en/ects-ds/sp| classification table]] and [[http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/courses/ROB/roblec/Novaklasifikacnistupnice0001-1.pdf| classification table]]. - 90+ excellent, - 80+ very good, - 70+ good, - 60+ satisfactory, - 50+ sufficient, - 49- fail.