====== Environment setup, setting up the MS and Google IDEs ====== ===== Clasification ===== See the [[courses:A4M39WA2:classification|requirements]] of the subject. ===== Google account and Google AppEngine ===== If not having, create your google account and add AppEngine. Both can be done [[http://appengine.google.com|here]]. ===== Eclipse ===== Download Indigo release of Eclipse for Java EE from [[http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/indigosr1|this]] page, extract it and run it. ===== Google AppEngine plugin for Eclipse ===== Install Google App Engine plugin, create new project, run the project and upload the project to Google AppEngine by following [[http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/tools/eclipse.html|this]] tutorial. Student Jan Voňavka has tried several combinations of Java environment, Eclipse and Google AppEngine plugin. The versions that are vorking properly are: Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo, 64 bit), JDK 1.6.0_31 (64 bit), Google AppEngine 1.6.1 or Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo, 64 bit), JDK 1.7 (64 bit), Google AppEngine (http://code.google.com/intl/cs/appengine/downloads.html) code highlighting in JSP files is not working ===== Live account ===== If not having, create your Live account [[http://www.live.com|here]]. ===== Windows Azure ===== Check resource "Praktická cvičení k vyzkoušení Windows Azure" [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/cs-cz/dd727769.aspx|here]]. ===== Prezentace ke cvičení ===== {{courses:A4M39WA2:tutorials:01:practice1.pdf|}}