~~NOTOC~~ ====== Homework 07 - Autocalibration from vanishing points ====== ==== The task ==== === 1. Extract vanishing points === - Download two images of 'pokemons' from the upload system, task '00ID: Your data'. - Manually obtain the coordinates of the corners of the poster and of the black square, in the clockwise order, ''u1'' in the first image and ''u2'' in the second. The corners should also correspond between the images (this is not used for calibration but later). - Construct vanishing points from the squares, store them as ''vp1'' and ''vp2'' (four points each) for the first and the second image, respectively. - Show both images, draw the vanishing points into both images and connect (by a line) each vanishing point with all corners of appropriate rectangle. Also connect the two most distant vanishing points by a line in each of the images. Export as ''07_vp1.pdf'' and ''07_vp2.pdf''. Then show each figure zoomed such that the image is clearly visible and export as ''07_vp1_zoom.pdf'', ''07_vp2_zoom.pdf''. ^ Example of vanishing points in the first image ^^ | {{courses:a4m33gvg:labs:08_vp1.png|}} | {{courses:a4m33gvg:labs:08_vp1_zoom.png|}} | === 2. Calibration === - Compute the camera calibration matrix ''K'' from three vanishing points. From the four available v.p. pairs (two in each image), select three pairs. - Compute the ''angle'' (should be acute) between the square and the rectangle (the mean value of four computed angles). === 3. Virtual object === - Use the ''K'' to compute thee pose of calibrated camera w.r.t. the black square using P3P. Compute camera centers ''C1'', ''C2'', and rotations ''R1'', ''R2'' (both images). Chose one corner of the square as origin and consider the square sides having the unit length. - Create a virtual object: 'place' a cube into the two images. The black square is the bottom face of the cube, which sits on the poster. Show the wire-frame cube in each of the images, export as ''07_box_wire1.pdf'', ''07_box_wire2.pdf''. - Generate a sequence of 20 virtual views on the cube, interpolating camera from the first image to the second. Use the first image, transformed by a homography. Store the middle image of the sequence as ''07_box_wire3.pdf'' and whole sequence as ''07_seq_wire.avi''. - [Up two extra points] Texture faces of the cube by a chosen texture using homographies. Do not plot wire-frame cube, so create the images in the bitmap directly. Then store the middle image as ''07_box_tx.png'' (imwrite, not pdf) and the sequence as ''07_seq_tx.avi''. ^ Examples of a virtual object ^^^ | {{courses:a4m33gvg:labs:08_box_wire1.png|}} | {{courses:a4m33gvg:labs:08_box_wire3.png|}} | {{courses:a4m33gvg:labs:08_box_tx.gif|}} | === 4. Save all data === - Save all the ''u1'', ''u2'', ''vp1'', ''vp2'', ''K'', ''angle'', ''C1'', ''C2'', ''R1'', ''R2'' into ''07_data.mat''. All points are euclidean column vectors, the (acute) angle is in radians, and ''K(3,3)=1''. ==== Notes ==== === Interpolation of the camera poses === Let R_1, C_1 is the first camera pose and R_2, C_2 is the second camera pose. Let \lambda be the interpolation parameter taking value from 0 (meaning the first camera) to 1 (meaning the second camera). Then use following C = (1-\lambda) C_1 + \lambda C_2 R = (R_2 R_1^\top)^\lambda R_1 Note that we are using matrix power here. Due to numeric accuracy, it is necessary to take only the real part of the result computed in matlab. === Texturing the cube faces === Homography from the cube face, projected in the image, to the texture image must be established. The problem concerning if the pixels are inside or outside the face is easily solved in the coordinate system of the texture. Also visibility must be solved here. The easiest way is to consider each face's normal vector, computed from the sides using the vector product (take care with the sign). Also the direction vector from the camera to some point of the face must be computed. The the face is visible only if the normal vector form an acute angle with the direction vector, i.e. it's cosine (i.e. it's dot product) is positive. === Creating figure snapshots and video === See the help section. If able, please try to compress your sequence by some 'normal' codec (divx, xvid, ...) after creating the raw avi from matlab. ==== Upload ==== Upload an archive consisting of: - ''07_vp1.pdf'', ''07_vp2.pdf'', ''07_vp1_zoom.pdf'', ''07_vp2_zoom.pdf'' - ''07_data.mat'' - ''07_box_wire1.pdf'', ''07_box_wire2.pdf'', ''07_box_wire3.pdf'' - ''07_seq_wire.avi'' - optionally ''07_box_tx.png'', ''07_seq_tx.avi'' - ''hw07.m'' – your Matlab implementation entry point any other files required by hw07.m (including data and files from the repository).