====== Monkey and banana ====== This exercise aims at knowledge representation and reasoning in first-order logic. You will apply situation calculus in order to plan in terms of first-order logical deductions. ===== Problem description ===== **Monkey-banana** problem is a simple task in which a monkey is in a room. A banana hangs from the ceiling. The monkey stands just below the banana but it is beyond the monkey's reach. The monkey is able to walk, move and climb objects. The room is just the right height so that the monkey can move a box, climb it and grasp the banana. The goal is to generate this plan (i.e., a sequence of simple actions) automatically. ===== Assignment ===== The problem will be solved in [[http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/prover9/|Prover9]] system. Utilize the situation calculus formalism to resolve the following subtasks: - propose a simple and efficient solution disregarding the formal issues -- axioms do not have to be general, assume that there is just one active agent (monkey) and one movable object available in a corner of the room (box), the plan will be as simple as outlined in the problem description (walk to the box, move the box below the banana, climb the box, grasp the banana), - improve and generalize the solution so that it can deal with more objects that can be movable or unmovable and climbable or unclimbable (a toilet can be climbed but cannot be moved, a picture can be moved but cannot be climbed), the objects will be at different places in the initial world (in the corner, near the window, at the door), - improve and generalize the solution so that it can deal with more active agents/animals, all the animals can walk, but some of them cannot move objects, others cannot climb objects (let us say that cats can climb but cannot move objects and dogs can move objects and cannot climb them), work with more agents at once, try to find general plans (is there any agent that can reach banana?) or plans for the individual agents (can the cat reach the banana?), - the generalized solution must implement frame axioms, do not forget that an agent cannot move an object while standing on it, the agent cannot even walk before climbing down, however, keep the world qualitative (do not consider features such as animal height in inches, object weight in pounds or friction forces), - the final solution shall allow to easily add new agents, objects and change their properties, discuss scalability of the proposed solution with respect to this parameters.. ===== Deadline ===== **Sunday 7.5.2017 23:59 CEST** ===== Further notes ===== **Submission form** The solution has two parts: the implementation (the simple one and the final one) and a short report (approx. 2 pages without the assignment instructions and code listing, see the {{:courses:a4b33zui:monkey_report.zip|report template}}), the report motivates the individual steps, describes the code testing (goals and digests of their proofs) and discusses time complexity issues. Submit in the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload|upload system]], a zip file is allowed, it contains both the code as well as the pdf report. **Notes on efficiency and generality** * An efficient solution minimizes the number of predicates and maximizes the number of their arguments. * On the contrary, a formal solution tries to decompose the problem, structure it and introduces explicit frame and effect axioms for particular predicates. * In troubles, when not knowing what is wrong, try to decompose the problem and run simple goals leading to simple proofs. * In report, you are supposed to discuss both strengths and weaknesses of your solution. Points can also be given for fairly discussed failures and effort to understand. * It makes sense to submit an incomplete solution which does not tackle all the issues if there is a chance to obtain at least 5 points and pass the task. **Evaluation** 10 point assignment, min 5 points needed to pass it.