====== Lab01 - Introduction to the Computer Laboratory and C Programming Language ====== * Introduction to the computer environment - [[https://www.felk.cvut.cz/?setLang=en|password settings]] * Introduction to the working environment - terminal control and elementary commands: ''ls'', ''cd'', ''pwd'', ''mkdir'', ''cp'', ''mv'', ''rm'', ''touch'', and ''man'', ''cat'', ''find'', ''grep'', ''wget'', ''unzip'', ''echo'', and input/output modificators: ''|'', ''>'', ''>>''. * Compile the first program * Test the executed program * Become familiar with your selected favorite editor for editing sources, e.g., gedit, Sublime Text, Emacs, Vim. ===== Lab Code ===== **Exercise 1** Simple program to output text: #include int main() { //this line is a comment, it will be ignored printf("Hello World!"); return 0; /*this is multiline comment */ } Practice compiling it: gcc myprogram.c GCC will take your code and produce a binary executable from it. See if you can figure out: How to customise your executable filename from gcc. Make it format correctly in the terminal. **Exercise 2** We can use ''printf("here is an integer: %i", myint);'' to format an integer. Similarly ''%f'' to format a float. We can use ''scanf("%f", &fnum);'' to get a variable from the command line user. Implement a function that calculates the Euclidean distance of two numbers. That is, it takes two numbers, squares each of them, adds them, and returns the square root. ==== Basic terminal programs Help ==== Open terminal Ctrl + Alt + T New tab Ctrl + Shift + T End programs by running Ctrl+C Close by Ctrl + D === man === Manual to (almost) every terminal program can be found using ''man'': $ man You shoud start working in linux terminal by asking, how to use manual $ man man === pwd === To find out, where are you in the directory tree, the present working directory, use ''pwd'': $ pwd === ls === To list files in your directory, use ''ls'': $ ls There is also possibility to see a content of different directory $ ls The useful parameters you should know are: * ''-a'' do not ignore entries starting with ., usualy hidden files, * ''-A'' the same as ''-a'' but it does not list implied . and .., * ''-l'' uses a long listing format, * ''-p'' to append / at the end of the name of directories to differentiate them from files, * you can also sort them by ''-S'' size, ''-t'' time, etc., * and combine them $ ls -Al === cd === To change the directory use ''cd'': $ cd Go to the parent directory $ cd .. Go to the parent's parent directory $ cd ../../ Go to the parent's parent directory and then to its child directory $ cd ../../some_directory/ Go to the child's child directory $ some_directory/some_subdirectory/ You can use absolute address: $ /home/my_account/my_files/my_video/ There is also trivial way to your home directory: $ cd The manual is not presented, therefore use parameter ''--help'' to find out more $ cd --help For fast navigation, use keypad **Tab**. Use it frequently. === mkdir and touch === If you want to create a directory, use ''mkdir'': $ mkdir and ''touch'' for file creation: $ touch Please, do not use spaces in your names: $ mkdir "I have come here from some advertising environment called Windows" $ mkdir and\ I\ really\ like\ to\ troll and if necessary, use ''_'' underscore instead: $ touch I_love_linux === mv === Use ''mv'' for moving files or directories from one position in a directory tree to another: $ mv $ mv random_file.txt ~/random_directory/ $ mv random_directory/ ~/some_directory/some_subdirectory/ Note that character ''~'' stands for your //home directory//. Use ''mv'' also for renaming the files: $ mv obsolete_name much_better_name === cp === Copying files can be done using ''cp'': $ cp $ cp random_file.txt ~/random_directory/ $ cp random_file.txt ~/random_directory/better_name.txt To copy whole directory, use ''-r'' //recursive// option: $ cp -r random_directory/ ~/other_directory/some_subdirectory/ === rm === You can delete file using ''rm'' $ rm Beware! It is very hard to //undo//! Deleting whole directory and its content needs ''-r'' //recursive// option: $ rm -r obsolete_directory/ It is also possible to delete file (or directory) at different position in directory tree: $ rm ~/random_directory/random_file.txt $ rm ../../some_system_directory/some_essential_file