Last semester's version. Not valid until the assignment date. ====== HW 01 - Reducing fractions ====== Write a simple program that: * reads positive integers representing a fraction from the standard input, * then [[ | simplifies]] it, * and finally prints the simplified fraction to the standard output. Hint: look at the [[|GCD]] and find an algorithm to compute it. Some examples of the program behaviour when called as ./simplify. The first line is the input, and the second is the output. $ ./simplify 2 / 4 1 / 2 $ ./simplify 765 / 918 5 / 6 $ ./simplify 101 / 100 101 / 100 You can find more testing instances {{ |here}}. Files with the suffix ''.in'' contain your input with ''.out'' your desired output. Your submission must compile without errors with the following compiler flags ''-Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c99 -O2'' When you have your input in a file, e.g. '''' containing 2 / 4 you can pass it to your program in the bash like $ cat | ./simplify 1 / 2 Upload your solution into [[|BRUTE]] as a zip archive containing only the file ''simplify.c'' and either a Makefile or readme explaining how to compile it.