====== B4M39APG - Algorithms of Computer Graphics (Algoritmy počítačové grafiky) ====== |{{:courses:b4m39apg:apg.png?nolink&200|APG}} | MSc study course taught at the [[http://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/|Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction]] (DCGI) | [[http://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/|{{:courses:b4m39apg:dcgi-logo-60.png|DCGI}}]]| ===== ORGANISATION ===== * 2 + 2 (see overview of [[courses:b4m39apg:lectures:start|lectures]] and [[courses:b4m39apg:seminars:start|seminars]]) * Seminars are based on solving assignments in [[courses:b4m39apg:groups:start|teams of two]]. * The assignments are evaluated and students get points for them during the semester. * Points are reduced for late submission of an assignment. You can earn extra points for fast solutions and/or bonus tasks. * The course is concluded with an [[courses:b4m39apg:exam:start|exam]]. ===== LITERATURE ===== * **Žára et al. [[http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/ModerniPocitacovaGrafika/|Moderní počítačová grafika]], Computer Press, 2005.** * Pharr et al. [[https://www.amazon.com/Physically-Based-Rendering-Third-Implementation/dp/0128006455/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0128006455&pd_rd_r=QWZHYAVVJM4NKHKYZSG0&pd_rd_w=dc9Dy&pd_rd_wg=B2Mq5&psc=1&refRID=QWZHYAVVJM4NKHKYZSG0|Physically Based Rendering 3rd edition]]. Morgan Kaufmann 2016. * Moller et al. [[https://www.amazon.de/Real-Time-Rendering-Fourth-Tomas-Akenine-Moller/dp/1138627003|Real-Time Rendering, 4th edition]], CRC Press, 2018. * Hughes et al. [[http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Graphics-Principles-Practice-Edition/dp/0321399528|Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (3rd Edition)]], Addison Wesley 2014. * Shirley and Marschner, [[https://www.amazon.de/Fundamentals-Computer-Graphics-Peter-Shirley/dp/1482229390/ref=sr_1_1?s=books-intl-de&ie=UTF8&qid=1542207589&sr=1-1 | Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th edition]], A K Peters 2015. * Žára et al. [[https://cent.felk.cvut.cz/courses/APG/skripta/index.html|Algoritmy počítačové grafiky]], virtual lecture notes, 2000. * [[http://www.opengl.org/documentation/blue_book/|The OpenGL Reference Manual - The Bluebook]]. ===== PREREQUISITIES ===== Ability to program in C++, basic understanding of linear algebra & analytic geometry. Nice to have: familiarity with a graphics API (OpenGL, DirectX). ===== EVALUATION ===== **Points** * 50 pts. - assignments solved at the seminars * 10 pts. - written test during the semester * 40 pts. - exam **Assessment and exam** * To get the assessment, you are required to gain **at least 30** points for assignments + written test. * To successfully pass the exam, **at least 20 points** are required. **Grading** | 90-100 pts. | **A** - excellent | | 80-89 pts. | **B** - very good | | 70-79 pts. | **C** - good | | 60-69 pts. | **D** - satisfactory | | 50-59 pts. | **E** - sufficient | | below 50 pts. | **F** - failed | ===== Assignments upload server ===== * [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/|BRUTE (automatic evaluation, tutor's feedback, archive)]] ===== FURTHER INFORMATION ===== * [[https://intranet.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/rozvrhy-ng.B241/public/html/predmety/46/97/p4697806.html|schedule CZ]], [[https://intranet.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/rozvrhy-ng.B241/public/html/predmety/46/98/p4698206.html|schedule EN]] * [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/wiki/help/start|help pages]] for this DokuWiki * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/syntax|dokuwiki syntax]] * [[https://cent.felk.cvut.cz/courses/APG/|old APG pages]] (not maintained anymore) Please, get acquainted with the **[[https://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/en/study/rules|Academic rules]]** of DCGI and adhere to them. //**We wish you successful studies of this course!**// | [[http://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/people/zara|{{courses:a4m39apg:teachers:zara.jpg?100|Jiří Žára}}]] \\ \\ [[http://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/people/zara|prof. Ing. Jiří Žára, CSc.]] | [[http://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/people/bittner|{{courses:a4m39apg:teachers:bittner.jpg?100|Jiří Bittner}}]] \\ \\ [[http://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/people/bittner|doc. Ing. Jiří Bittner, Ph.D.]] | [[https://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/people/hendrij|{{courses:b4m39apg:teachers:hendrich.jpg?100|Jakub Hendrich}}]] \\ \\ [[https://dcgi.fel.cvut.cz/people/hendrij|Ing. Jakub Hendrich, Ph.D.]] | | **Lecturer** | **Lecturer** | Tutor |