10. LP-based heuristics

Exercise 1: Let $\Pi=\langle V,A,s_0,g\rangle$ be an FDR task where $V=\{v_1,v_2,v_3,v_4\}$ and $\mathsf{dom}(v_i)=\{0,1\}$. The initial state is $s_0=\{v_1=0,v_2=0,v_3=0,v_4=0\}$ and the goal $g=\{v_3=1,v_4=1\}$. The actions $A=\{a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4\}$ are defined as follows:

action $\mathsf{pre}$ $\mathsf{eff}$ cost
$a_1$ $v_1=0$ $v_1=1$ $1$
$a_2$ $v_1=1$ $v_1=0$, $v_2=1$ $2$
$a_3$ $v_2=1$ $v_2=0$, $v_3=1$ $2$
$a_4$ $v_3=1$ $v_4=1$ $3$

Draw the causal graph of $\Pi$ and write down all the interesting patterns up to size $2$.


Exercise 2: Formulate the linear program whose optimum value is the post-hoc heuristic for the initial state $s_0$ in the task from the previous exercise using the interesting patterns up to size $2$.


Exercise 3: For the FDR task from Exercise 1, formulate the linear program computing the potential heuristic optimized for the initial state.
