====== Seminars 2024 ====== We will use Python during the seminars. The internet is full of resources on this popular language. For example this [[https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/tutorial|brief overview]] or the [[https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html#tutorial-index|official handbook]] or the [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html#library-index|standard libraries index]]. ^ No. ^ Topic ^ Sources ^ Links ^ | 1 | Introduction, Python, BFS/DFS | **[[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UyPd67DchGpeAYyB0rfYkrzgRVvVfYil?usp=sharing|Labs Notebooks (Google drive, accessible via FEL account)]]** | /*[[courses:b4b36zui:materials:python| Workspaces and libraries in Python]] *| | 2 | MDPs | | | | 3 | POMDPs | | | | 4 | A* | | | | 5 | The Bandit Problem | | | | 6 | Value Iteration | | [[https://web.stanford.edu/class/cme241/lecture_slides/BellmanOperators.pdf|Convergence of Value Iteration]] | | 7 | Scaling up RL | | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EwWcMnFwlqsLhgC5c8fyyFhhdpgqaHws/view?usp=sharing|Link to CZ recording]]| | 8 | Games - Alpha/Beta | | | | 9 | Test | | | | 10 | Games - MCTS | | | | 11 | CSPs, Scheduling | | | | 12 | Logic & Magic | | | | 13 | Uncertainty in AI | | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gVpL9r--6WBkJml-_Tx_i4Plxs7S9wF9/view?usp=sharing|Link to EN recording]] | | 14 | POMDPs | | |