=== Syllabus === ^ Lect. ^ Lecturer ^ Topic ^ Pdf ^ Additional reading ^ | 01 | VF | Structured Output Linear Classifier and Perceptron| {{ :courses:xep33sml:materials:lecture_linclass_ls2022.pdf | }} | | | 02 | VF | Learning max-sum classifier by Perceptron | {{ :courses:xep33sml:materials:lecture_maxsumperceptron_ls2022.pdf | }} | | | 03 | VF | Structured Output Support Vector Machines | {{ :courses:xep33sml:materials:lecture_sosvm_ls2022.pdf | }} | | | 04 | VF |Cutting Plane Algorithm | {{ :courses:xep33sml:materials:lecture_cpa_ls2022.pdf | }} | | | 05 | VF | Learning Max-Sum classifier by SO-SVM | {{ :courses:xep33sml:materials:lecture_sosvm4maxsum_ls2022.pdf | }} | | | 06 | VF | Statistical guarantees for empirical risk minimization based SO learning | | | | 07 | BF | Recap: Markov models and HMMs on chains | | | | 08 | BF | Belief Networks & Probabilistic Neural Networks| {{:courses:xep33sml:materials:probabilistic-nn.pdf| }} | [[https://openreview.net/forum\?id=SkMuPjRcKQ | A.Shekhovtsov, ICLR 2019]] | | 09 | BF | Stochastic gradient estimators for PNNs| {{:courses:xep33sml:materials:sgd-prb-nn.pdf| }}| | 10 | BF | Variational Autoencoders | {{:courses:xep33sml:materials:vae.pdf| }}| | | 11 | BF | Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders | | |