====== HW3 - Grasping====== You are provided with a point cloud from a real depth camera. Your task is to process the point cloud for two grasping pipelines. More details can be found in the pdf included with the assignment. |Assignment | {{ :courses:hro:tutorials:hw:hw3.zip |}} | | Environment |https://gitpod.io/#github.com/rustlluk/B3M33HRO-gitpod| |Maximum score | 5 | |Deadline | 16.04.2024 23:59:59 | ===== Evaluation ===== Please, submit your solution to the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/|BRUTE]]. You should submit a zip file with the filled Python script, Jupyter notebook, and pictures of the grasps from GraspIt! and GPD. The points will be awarded after a manual evaluation of the results. Solutions uploaded after the deadline get -1 point per day late.