====== HRO – Humanoid robots ====== Lectures: [[https://sites.google.com/site/matejhof|Matej Hoffmann]], Labs: [[mailto:lukas.rustler@fel.cvut.cz| Lukáš Rustler]] [[mailto:shubhan.parag.patni@fel.cvut.cz|Shubhan Patni]] [[mailto:jason.khoury@fel.cvut.cz| Jason Khoury]] [[mailto:chaloto3@fel.cvut.cz| Tomáš Chaloupecký]] The course focuses on “human-centered robotics”: humanoid robots and human-robot interaction. Motivated by the vision of robot companions in our homes, this course introduces humanoid robot technology and its specific challenges and opportunities: (i) design, kinematics and inverse kinematics of humanoids, (ii) multimodal sensing - vision, touch, hearing, inertial sensing, etc., (iii) walking and balancing, and (ii) grasping. The second part of the course centers on human-robot interaction (HRI), which includes physical HRI (safety aspects, collaborative robots) and cognitive/social HRI - how to design robots and behaviors to be acceptable for people. * [[courses:hro:lectures:start|]] * [[courses:hro:tutorials:start| labs]] * [[courses:hro:literature| books and online resources]] * [[https://intranet.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/rozvrhy-ng.B232/public/html/predmety/66/52/p6652106.html|schedule B3M33HRO]] * [[https://intranet.fel.cvut.cz/en/education/rozvrhy-ng.B232/public/html/predmety/66/53/p6653806.html|schedule BE3M33HRO]] * [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/forum/forum-1862.html|student forum]] ===== Prerequisites ===== Ability to write computer programs in Python. Basic knowledge of robot kinematics in the span of bachelor course B3B33ROB1. ===== Assessment ===== The final assesment will be composed of two components: lab assignments and final exam. ==== Lab assignments ==== 50 points for homework (assignments during comp. labs) * At least 25 points for the homework (lab assignments) are needed before going to the final exam. ==== Final exam ==== There are two **exam dates**. * Monday, June 3, 2024, 9am - 11am, room: E112. * Friday, June 14, 2024, 9am - 11am, room: E112. The final exam is worth 50 points. Minimum for a non-F grade is 20 points from the final exam. Note that that you will need to fulfill the criteria specified above - collect points for assignments during the semester. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to take the final exam. The exam will be: * 90 minutes in duration * a written exam * will **not** be open book * in English. If you feel more comfortable, you can answer in Czech. Calculators will not be needed. Tips for exam preparation: * Attend lectures, make notes into lecture slides, ask questions. * Attend the labs and study there materials. * Question types from homework may appear on the exam. ==== Grading ==== ^ A ^ B ^ C ^ D ^ E ^ F ^ | <100-90> | (90-80> | (80-70> | (70-60> | (60-50> | (50-0> | **F** means fail.