====== Lab 04 ====== During the lab we will touch on the following topics: * Lidar SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), * ICP (Iterative Closest Point) technique to align point clouds, * Absolute Orientation problem as a part of ICP, * Point-to-point and point-to-plane metrics, * Making ICP robust to outliers. At the seminar, we will deal with not only simulated examples, but also try to align point cloud scans taken from a real-world environment. ===== Lab task ===== Please, make sure you have the Singularity environment from [[lab01|Lab 01]] ready. We will be working on file ''aro_exploration/src/aro_slam/icp.py''. See [[homework03|HW 03]] page for options on how to run it. ===== Media ===== Presentation: [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-jXWDq8zzeChghBS4-fUhDasKG5jQ_cdvJ6yG9qGoVo/edit?usp=sharing|slides]]. Point cloud sequences: [[http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/vras/data/fee_corridor/|data]]. ===== Homework 3 assignment ===== Follow the assignment of the homework [[homework03|HW 03]].