==== Exam ==== - Procedure: * a written closed-book exam, 150 minutes, * 5 structured questions typically with full-text answers, however, multiple-choice questions may appear too, * the first question aims at statistical background, * frequent problem-solving questions, see examples from past exam tests below, * an optional oral exam for borderline students. - Evaluation: * up to 50 points can be obtained during the semester, another max. 50 points at the written exam. * a minimum of 25 points is required to pass the exam. - Recommended equipment: * calculator. - Past exam tests: * {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_11_1_2017.pdf |}}, {{ :courses:b4m36san:exam_11_1_2017_eng.pdf |}} * {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_10_2_2017.pdf|exam_10_2_2017.pdf}}, {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_10_2_2017_eng.pdf|exam_10_2_2017_eng.pdf}}, * {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_18_1_2019.pdf|exam_18_1_2019.pdf}}, {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_18_1_2019_eng.pdf|exam_18_1_2019_eng.pdf}}, * {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_20_1_2023.pdf|exam_20_1_2023.pdf}}, {{:courses:b4m36san:exam_20_1_2023_eng.pdf |exam_20_1_2023_eng.pdf}}. - Solved exercises: * {{ :courses:b4m36san:san_solved.pdf|san_solved.pdf}}. - Sample questions pertaining to prerequisites: * {{ :courses:b4m36san:stat_min.pdf|stat_min.pdf}}. - Only students with the credit allowed.