====== Lecture materials ====== ===== Timetable ===== The course takes place every Monday (B0B17MTB) from 16:15 to 18:30 in the room T2: A3-412 in Dejvice (unless stated otherwise on the title page). Semester schedule: {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week01:mtb_courseinfo.pdf | See slide 6 and 7...}} ===== List of useful MATLAB functions ===== {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:mtb_cheat_sheet.pdf |}} ===== Course schedule ===== === 1st week === __Topic:__ What is Matlab and why to learn it. Course details, literature, the start of MATLAB. Software environment, documentation, matrices in MATLAB, matrix operations, complex numbers. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week01:mtb_courseinfo.pdf |Course Information}}, {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week01:mtb_std_00.pdf | Lecture 0 - About MATLAB}}, {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week01:mtb_std_01.pdf | Lecture 1 - Basic math operations}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 2nd week === __Topic:__ MATLAB editor, creation of scripts, functions for generating vectors/matrices, creating more complicated matrices, operations on matrices, operations by elements, introduction to vectorization, and determination of dimension of matrices. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week02:mtb_std_02.pdf | Lecture 2 - Vectors & Matrices}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 3rd week === __Topic:__ Indexing, linear indexing, relational and logical operators. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week03:mtb_std_03.pdf | Lecture 3 - Indexing, Relational and Logical Operators}} __Solutions:__ __Homework:__ __Homework:__ [[ https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/ | Submission system (BRUTE)]] ---- === 4th week === __Topic:__ Cycles, cycles vs. vectorization, program branching. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week04:mtb_std_w04.pdf | Lecture 4 - Loops, Program Branching}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 5th+6th week === __Topic:__ User functions, function handles, anonymous functions, nested functions, debugging. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week05:mtb_std_w05.pdf | Lecture 5 - Functions, Debugging}} __Solutions:__ __Semestral test:__ [[ https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/ | Submission system (BRUTE)]] __Homework:__ ---- === 7th week === __Topic:__ Data type ''cell'', test strings, data type ''String'', data type '' struct ''. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week07:mtb_std_w06.pdf | Lecture 6 - Data Types: Cell, String, and Structure}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 8th week === __Topic:__ Visualization in MATLAB, '' LineSpec '', suitable sampling for drawing graphs, graphical objects. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week08:mtb_std_w07.pdf |Lecture 7 - Visualization}} __Solutions:__ __Homework:__ [[ https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/ | Submission system (BRUTE)]] __ Project:__ ([[https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b0b17mtb/projects/competition|Competition]]) ---- === 9th week === __Topic:__ Static GUI. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week09:mtb_std_w08.pdf | Lecture 8 - Static GUI}} __Solutions:__ __ Project:__ Project selection ---- === 10th week === __Topic:__ Dynamic GUI. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week10:mtb_std_w09.pdf | Lecture 9 - Dynamic GUI}} __Solutions:__ __Homework:__ ---- === 11th week === __Topic:__ Time functions, timer, sorting, profiler. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:mtb_lectures-10.pdf | Lecture 10 - Timer, Sorting, Finding}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 12th week === __Topic:__ Set operations, element search, error handling, I/O. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:mtb_std_w11.pdf | Lecture 11 - Set operations, Data treatment}}, {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ss22-23:measurement1.xlsx |}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 12th week === __Topic:__ Bonuses - Basics of symbolic calculations. __Materials:__ {{ :courses:b0b17mtb:ws23-24:week12:mtb_12.pdf | Lecture 12}} __Solutions:__ ---- === 13th week === __Topic:__ Reserve __Materials:__ __Solutions:__ ---- === 14th week === __Topic:__ [[courses:mtb:course_conditions|Final test]], [[courses:mtb:projects:start|project presentation]], discusion, [[courses:mtb:course_conditions|credit assignment]]. ----