Table of Contents

Lab 06

During this lab, we will continue with factorgraph-based localization.

Other types of residuals

What would the residuals and Jacobian entries look like?

Lab Task

Use the same codes you already have in your workspace, and make sure you also have a working SLAM implementation in the workspace (aro_slam package). Fill in the missing pieces to add ICP-based odometry (marked with a TODO comment).

Run with:

roslaunch --sigint-timeout 1 --sigterm-timeout 1 aro_localization sim.launch fuse_icp_slam:=true

Watch how the factorgraph struggles keeping up with the ICP odometry. Try to explain that!

Change the code so that ICP odometry is the “base one” and IMU-wheel odometry is just an “addon” to the factorgraph. Does it behave better now?